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Jack West Jr

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  1. In fact , not just a decline in British tourists and expats but rather a significant drop in westerners . Hardly surprising considering the government's discriminatory and contemptuous treatment of especially long-staying and expatriate foreigners. Other ASEAN countries like Malaysia, The Philippines and Cambodia offer incentives and much smoother visa processing to European/western visitors, traditionally Thailand's most loyal champions . Instead , as mentioned by other members , they're wooing dodgy Russians, Chinese and sundry lowlifes . Go figure !
  2. Welcome to the modern world , Mr Warchanapranee . This is what alcohol-producing companies have been doing around the world for decades . People do like their tipple and making tighter laws or banning the stuff will only lead to illegal home brewing like in South Africa during Covid. And if you want to reduce traffic accidents and related casualties have more cops in the streets doing their job .
  3. The essence of good reporting is getting your facts right so it's understandable that people get miffed by the vague term "foreigners" . The perps are clearly of Asian stock so why not say so ? Using the term foreigners implies they are westerners which is clearly not the case . As to the story , methinks it's easy to hoodwink the owners of jewellery shops in Thailand.
  4. Seriously, a member of the executive trying to coerce the judiciary ? So much for democracy . This geezer is a real NUT !
  5. Ah, Pattaya, den of iniquity . Been there once , will never return ( unless someone pays me good money to do so ) . But to stick to the topic : this git should have his visa revoked for what he did. Weren't they going to get tough on misbehaving foreigners ? And hopefully nice to law -abiding ones ?
  6. Ah...those Russians . Bad guys out, good guys in ??? What a joke !
  7. Lived in the Philippines for fifteen years , now ten years in Thailand. Both Filipinas and Thai ladies of a certain social standing delight in being drama queens . Simple as that.
  8. Do we need any more proof that Thai officialdom is unapologetically racist, discriminatory and xenophobic ? There is absolutely zero scientific proof that Thais are more immune to Covid than farangs. Unfortunately, that won't stop these gob<deleted>es from proclaiming this offensive crap. Stupid bastards.
  9. This is not just denial but criminal negligence endangering the lives of everyone. They should prosecute - or even better, fire - this fool .
  10. All this jawing and wining about his being corrupt. Every politician is by definition corrupt so that is not the point . The point is that he was democratically elected and ousted by military coup. Methinks the military are still pulling the strings as evidenced by the ousting of Pita recently. The real point is that the game is rigged by the military and their oligarch cronies.
  11. Outrageous . A complete and utter disregard of democratic procedure and governance . How much longer are the Thai people going to put up with these corrupt dictators ?
  12. What Mr Thanet proposes is eminently sound and logical so it probably doesn't stand a chance in this hidebound, fossilised political climate .
  13. This unfortunate incident sums up what is so deeply wrong with this country and its government. On the one hand xenophobia and hatred towards foreigners is rife and on the other hand endemic problems are ignored . Internationally, anyone crossing a zebra path is sacrosanct . Irresponsible drivers that don't stop for pedestrians on such a crossing get huge fines or can have their licences revoked. However, that is not the case in Thailand where traffic rules are blatantly trampled all the time and police is conspicuous by its absence. So just keep on blaming foreigners for all societal ills and keep ignoring air, land and water pollution while mowing down innocent pedestrians. Not to mention the aggressive dogs everywhere. Way to go , Thailand !
  14. The procedure to follow seems obvious . Arrest this scum and extradite him .
  15. More proof that Thailand is ostensibly a democracy where free speech and the candid stating of opinions is trampled upon . The only upside of this maladroit article is that it shows up government censorship and repression. Welcome to the land of medieval thinking .
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