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Posts posted by reddove

  1. 9 Baht to 12 Baht. This is arguably not a huge hike.

    For me this is too little, particularly on hard drink. However if they increase it too dramatically, the moonshine industry will boom overnight.

    33% is not HUGE ??

    who would have thought ??

    then again it's only 2% of the upcountry minnimum daily wage

    nope not huge at all .............. :o

    Ah, another bright and inspired by some high form of “intelligence” move by this government. Don't they even look at history of those who smoke Cigarettes cigs or drink alcohol of any kind and then decide to raise a tax on it.


    People, both Thai and foreigners will just pay for the extra cost of enjoying one of these pleasures in life.

    The U.S. raised the taxes on Cigarettes and the Courts have issued huge settlements on the Tabbaco Industry and the results of this, the costs went up. People still go down and buy their smokes and smoke.

    Alcohol the same.

    Why not tax, lets see, Condom purchases and usage, viraga, and …

  2. Many of the youths who work inside at McDonalds and at Starbucks told me that the person who planted the device shortly before 12:00 a.m. looked like an older gentleman. They said he looked to much like someone who belonged in the Military.

    Ah, Mumbu - - - don't be deceived by this fiendish plot to disguise those rabid Muslim terrorists as normal human beings . . .

    Really ...?

    I'm sure you are correct in your assertion that Buddhists could and would never stoop to the depths of harming people. . .


    Side question:

    What's the equivalent of an anti-Semite when referring to being anti-Muslim?


  3. Many of the youths who work inside at McDonalds and at Starbucks told me that the person who planted the device shortly before 12:00 a.m. looked like an older gentleman. They said he looked to much like someone who belonged in the Military.

  4. Civil Wars?

    Just what causes Civil Wars? I know about reading the history about the U.S. Civil War, and some of the recent Civil Wars in Eastern Europe, Africa and in South America.

    What is causing the southern Thailand Muslims to revolt and link up with the Muslim groups in Northern KL?

    What is the issue about?

    Who is or what parties are at stake?

    Who is are the Negotiators / s in this issue. Is it only the CNS appointed personal or someone from outside of Thailand?

    Many, many questions. But from past history, Thailand government has never; never been wise enough to resolve these issues on their own and never will.

    Give old Jimmy Carter a call.

  5. Who really did it? This is the same tactic that G.W. Bush and his administration did after 9/11. Look now at the results. The U.S. government made it legal to go after Muslims from any country and the former PM followed suit.

    From what I have heard from the local Thai population here and around Bangkok, they feel that is the new CNS government who planned it and did it, in order to raise some support for their failed cause to liberate Thailand from the "Evil Ways of Thaskin and his disciples".

    Since it has been shown in the last decade, that to blame a religious organization such as Islam for these attacks, it's easy and a very old proprangda trick. Look at the U.S.

    The new Thai government is losing control day by day and they will do anything to keep themselves in power.

  6. Should do it more often to these crocks. I have had that pulled on me serveral times here in Bkk and I just walk away, but some do get out and try to chase you down. Take a few of them down, carry a blade, some rope. Use it if it become necessary, but don't get caught or let anyone see you.

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