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Cult of the Sun

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  1. Vax daddy, spirit of 76, will fix you fo sho... Elvis shook hands w/ nixon at the white house on 21/12/1970. Just saying. Rush 2112.. just saying.. 21 + 12 + 20 + 23 = 76. In the weeks leading up to that date - 21/12/2023, the evis (evils) channel on sirrius was changed to 76. Trump was born under a full moon and the phillips 76 logo has a full moon backdrop. Trump awarded himself..... uh..Elvis the medal of freedom as one of his last 'acts' before leaving the WH... If you patiently scroll the comments of that video, you will see many who know the truth. Elvis & pals sang songs romanticizing prison life back in the day. Immediately after, the incarceration rate in the U.S. began to skyrocket; but these are all just a 'coincidences'. Now he and his pals are setting up agenda 21 prison cities all across the earth.
  2. 3 Years ago, a Pfizer scientist built an 800k (cash) home on the 4 acres across from me. That was a good sum here in flyover back then.. They're from MN. They are the most despicable people I've ever witnessed. I have not said a word to them. They have, however, conspired to have me arrested. The county had to drop the charges; but they tried it anyway because they are as guilty as the scientist and his RN wifey. They did it because I was exposing everything long before they got here. . I exposed all over the web who he worked for and his handlers immediately changed his bio. I would post it here, but that may be frowned upon.
  3. China’s Vaccine Giant Collapses: 800 Million Left in the Dark, Face Mystery Side Effects https://www.bitchute.com/video/AIPGAKm8qaQo/
  4. In related news. Gene Hack-man has come to an end. . Get it? Bc the MRNA hacks your DNA? They love to mock the masses. They had an end date to covid all along. We tried to warn people. They had to have it on the news all over the world that the 'gene' hack - man had died. It's not as if they would fake a death or anything. 🙄 Those are all stage names anyway. They planned this long ago; and they love to slip in predictive programming everywhere.
  5. I never had a cell phone and live in the U.S. In the last year or so, I purchased a vehicle and some acreage. They tried to make it seem as if I needed a cell phone to complete these transactions. Eventually it WILL be that way. I will no longer be able to get on my health vet or SS, nor can I change my bank account with the VA. . This is all being done on the road to digital I.D. I don't use cell phones for spiritual reasons. The WEF says your cell phone will be internal by 2030. What will you all do then? Schwabb have answers for that?
  6. Why do I get the feeling Heir Trump will (at some point) make the move to repatriate U.S. pensions, blaming the harsh economy at home? Things are getting bad here. Homes are not selling. Housing sector layoffs are the last thing needed now. Do you think Trump will eventually make it mandatory to live in the U.S. to receive your U.S. gov. sourced pensions? What would you do if that came to pass? This could also come to pass as some form of retaliation, as there is a wave of retaliation theater going on between these one world government colluding nations... Thoughts?
  7. 安全有效 It's all unraveling... https://www.bitchute.com/video/AIPGAKm8qaQo/
  8. On the upside, you qualify for extra 'vaccines'.
  9. They are enabled by those who have the power to stop it or it obviously would not have gone on so long. S. Florida's sugar cane industry does something similar, though they're not allowed to let it get near any 'important' people's home, ie palm beach.
  10. That is pretty much how the world works. There is a worldwide stalker network that isn't too fond of some of us. So there are also levels of this that are less obvious to others. We ALL live in a mafia controlled neighborhood is the bottom line. Even the the stalkers do. They're useful idiots who enforce the prison of the mind for the few at the top.
  11. Next there'll be a tax on Thighs.. wait.. that might be what this is. 🫢 The gov. is the p1mp, just like the good ol' usa.
  12. Between the heat and that, i could not do it. It would have to be magic flying puzzy that would cause me to go there; and then she can fly us to somewhere cool & clear. 😋
  13. So you're waiting for them to tell you what to think? 🤔
  14. How many injections have the commenters here had? You're proud of that right? So I'm sure you all won't mind sharing your heroic deeds. 🤔
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