Vax daddy, spirit of 76, will fix you fo sho... Elvis shook hands w/ nixon at the white house on 21/12/1970. Just saying.
Rush 2112.. just saying.. 21 + 12 + 20 + 23 = 76. In the weeks leading up to that date - 21/12/2023, the evis (evils) channel on sirrius was changed to 76. Trump was born under a full moon and the phillips 76 logo has a full moon backdrop. Trump awarded himself..... uh..Elvis the medal of freedom as one of his last 'acts' before leaving the WH... If you patiently scroll the comments of that video, you will see many who know the truth.
Elvis & pals sang songs romanticizing prison life back in the day. Immediately after, the incarceration rate in the U.S. began to skyrocket; but these are all just a 'coincidences'. Now he and his pals are setting up agenda 21 prison cities all across the earth.