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Harry Algrass

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Posts posted by Harry Algrass

  1. I have spent a fortune on medical insurance with a major broker and European insurance company and I can tell you that they have been a complete waste of my time and money over many many years. 

    I feel I have been totally hoodwinked into believing that I should have piece of mind and be rest assured that my hospital bills will be paid should I ever be ill. 

    Not the case. Don’t be fooled by the glossy web site and smiley faces of the actors. 

    Work out a plan to self insure, that way you will know exactly where you stand and not be faced with the shock of having a claim declined after you have been paying them 000’s $ over the time to be kicked right where it hurts. 

    Be very careful when considering any health insurance.  Ask a reputable hospital administration dept on which company has the best record for meeting insurance claims. You might be very surprised at the reply. 

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