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baz 79

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  1. Question to DrJack54, please. You said Saturday 01:49pm 'CW likes to see activity on day of application.' Please clarify for me that that relates to Savings account and not Fixed Deposit with 800k on deposit. In which case activity that day is irrelevant. Thanks...
  2. My 800,000 thb is parked in FD at SCB., has been for two years now. Previously had to use the Savings account route which necessitated providing CW with a certificate/statement showing minimum 800,000 dated that day and supported by a passbook showing exactly the same amount, last transaction also dated that day. Familiar process for many retirees, involving adding and subtracting a small sum in order to align the two crucial documents. My question is this: you're not able to align the passbook and statement in the same way with FD accounts, unless I'm missing something, due to the complexities of tax and interest with FD. This had me bothered last Friday Jan 5 when I paid CW my annual visit. So, my statement, dated Jan 5, showed my FD savings up to Jan 4, last full working day. My passbook showed the same amount, last entry June 10. This process would not have been accepted with a Savings account. But CW accepted it, but it was then 6pm on a Friday. Can anybody tell me if I can now count on this format in future years, for though this tale is unforgivably anal and tedious, such details determine the health of our nervous systems in their annual joust with the mandarins of CW. Thanks.
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