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  1. Western cultural norms are so different to Thailand cultural norms that farang actually (imo) need to "go off the rails" of western culture before they can really be settled & happy in Thailand.
  2. Maybe cheap, or maybe massively overcharged and overtreated, as we hear about so often in LOS.
  3. "The end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." Back in Oz now, with immense gratitude for so many things here that I had previously taken for granted ????☮️????.
  4. In Thailand, a hitman gets paid 2,000 baht for a hit. i.e., your life may be worth as little as 2,000 baht while you're in Thailand. In this context, no one has time or money to be worrying about safety in public areas. If you're inside a hotel or a ticketed tourist site, then yes, there MIGHT be some safety precautions and warning signs, because you have paid money to contract yourself OUT of public Thailand and INTO an 'upper class' zone. Even in the nicest suburbs of Bangkok, the public areas are still underdeveloped. Step outside your 5 star hotel or gleaming shopping mall... the sight of garbage and cracked concrete, and the smell of sewerage will soon hit your nose. By Thai logic, that's your fault for not arranging a private car to pick you up from the entrance. It's Thailand, not the west. Each person needs to look out for ourselves. Don't offend locals, especially those who are strong/young/drunk/drugged/crazy. Look where you're walking (3D awareness) and keep your wits about you.
  5. I hear you. I also sold all my stuff and left CM last week. Moved back to the west.
  6. You really think it was strangely shaped luggage that attracted the attention of law enforcement? Also wondering how the carbon paper shows up on x-ray.
  7. Rather different to the driving rule I was taught as a teenager on an Australian farm: "Never reverse AN INCH more than you need to."
  8. (asking for a friend who has just moved there). She is looking for organic (or, at least, non-pesticide) fresh leafy greens, for salads and smoothies. With many thanks ????
  9. Thai society only teaches people to manage their anger and deal with personal criticism up to a certain point (the daily politeness level that all Thais work so hard to maintain). Once you get beyond that line in the sand, you are in uncharted territory. Things can go wrong very quickly. In the west we are accustomed to dealing with personal criticism and debate that may result in bruised egos but doesn't end in an emergency ward.
  10. Used to feel that way about the west, myself, so I can empathise with that perspective.
  11. Regarding the western men who CHOOSE to abandon the rule of law countries of their birth, so they can live in male-dominated, non-rule of law countries... Well, back in the west quite frankly we are better off without them. I call it self-selection into a suitable environment. People are attracted to whatever resonates for them.
  12. Unless the Amity Treaty applies (only US cits and certain kinds of businesses), foreigners can't own (control) a business in Thailand. The majority shares must be held by a Thai national. So maybe the Aussie was managing the restaurant but his wife owned majority shares and therefore was technically the boss.
  13. And, if he HAD been stabbed and slashed to death in Canada, his surviving family would then be dealing with the Canadian justice system rather than the Thai equivalent.
  14. "Totally delusional" is not humanity's natural state. "Totally delusional" arises out of specific social contexts. Is the system of education and public debate in Thailand built around logic, debate, facts, evidence, and reasoning? Does it encourage anyone here to develop accurate perception?
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