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Posts posted by philippethelong

  1. Hi

    I am a MD and leave in Cambodia.

    First, you should know that medecine is a business and business is money!

    Most of internal hemorroid with some bledding can be treated with elastic ligature, which are not painful (just a few hours of disconfort). It cost 20$ for Khmer and 40$ for farang here in Calmette hospital. It is available in Thailand.

    THis method cannot be used for External hemorroid.

    Many private hopsital will not propose you this method as it is too cheap compared with surgery!!

    I has had 4 ligature some year ago done here and I am very happy since it has been done.

    So just make sure that you are not going togo for surgery if it is not needed!!

    Good luck


  2. Hello,

    Would like to know what kind of hemorroids/piles treatment you did in Bangkok, where, and for how much ?

    I know that I can check hospitals websites but I would like people feedback.

    Following Wikipedia it seems that the doppler guided surgery is the best as you can go back to work after only one day, but I can't find any place doing it in Bangkok, any help ?!

    I'm also thinking about rubber band ligation and sclerotherapy as the hemorrhoidectomy seems so painful and needs 6 weeks after the surgery to recover.

    Thanks guys.

    I had it done in Phuket for about 100,000 baht. They new I was insured so they nailed the insurance company full price at the Bangkok-Phuket hospital. they wern't painful but I was bleeding and had to have a spinal tap. After that they use heat to close them up not a knife. I was on morphine for three days. After that it slowly got better and after two month it was normal. I was happy with getting it over with don't put it off just go and get it done.


  3. Hi

    I am a MD in Cambodia and breed Golden Labrador here. As cold chain and vaccin storage are poor here in Cambodia I use to buy them in Thailand in Chiang Mai or in Chantaburi, where I cannot go during raining season. At this time I have 10 puppies and need 20 doses to vaccinate them.

    Anybody know where to find in BKK a good pharmacy or pet shop selling medecine where TETRADOG vaccin are available and well stored in a proper freedge??

    Price for 1 TETRADOG was about 80 Bahts in Chiang Mai up to 120 Bahts in Chantaburi, compared with 10 US$ in Cambodia for out of date vaccin not properly stored sometime even not kept in a freedge!!.

    I need to buy about 50 doses.

    Thanks for any info



  4. :o

    On April 24, I was in transit at Suwanaphumi Airport on my way from Phnom Penh to Manila.

    I did two purshases at King Power duty free during transit.

    Two days later I received a mail in Manila from my bank in Belgium telling me that my MASTER CARD data have been copied in Bangkok and that someone was trying to use " my" credit card from Australia. Then my bank bloqued my card.

    Today, I meet a friend in Cambodia, who told me exactly the same story. Same problem after shopping at King Power duty free and same story regarding illegal try to use credit card from Australian (where we never been)!!

    So beware of using your credit card at King Power. There is a hacker or some staff are transmiting Credit card number (INCLUDING the 3 digit code) to some complice in Australia.

    Be warned



  5. Hi

    Mid Oct, I will arrive in late evening at Suvarnabhumi airport and will depart the next morning to Bali.

    I would like to spend the night in short term room accomodation (the 6 hours rent at Don Muang)

    Is it this facility in transit area exist at the New airport?

    Thanks for any info

    pHthelong :o

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