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  1. name of the game "Get President Trump"...DA Bragg...democrats....Rico "Rail Wolf" Biden...work over time helping the Kangaroo Court
  2. scams like this are world wide....be careful out there
  3. Gangs are running the ring...get the leaders of the gangs make the sing the high notes
  4. Like the flu...in the USA some schools are bring back the masks...all about power and control and masks do not work
  5. Get a good Thai Lawyer to read the lease to you before you stop the lease..so you will know what you can and can not do
  6. good move and charge 5 Baht per can and pay the 5 Baht per can when taken to recycle center like in the USA
  7. this works very well on car wiring
  8. Take the elephant from the man..give him no money.....put him in jail poke him with the metal hooks
  9. buy damage and rent payment insurance figure it in the lease, get a 90 day deposit and cleaning fee. up front.
  10. cut the bag and run his foot through it for a start
  11. fix him so he sings only in high notes

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