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Posts posted by PrestigeAsia

  1. 50 ton does'nt seem a lot, there's been a boom in rice mills around here with loads springing up in the last 2 years, superficialy at least they seem to be doing allright so you must be able to make money in it. Now if your talking 50 ton a day you might be in buisiness, thats only about 3-4 big lorry loads

    Hi Ramdom,

    im new in rice milling so i think 50 ton is ok for me.

    Guess i need to take time and learn first.anyway guys im from singapore

    Thank you for your guide.now at least i learn something from this forum.

  2. Around here if the miller keeps the rice bran then we pay about 10 baht per bag (30 to 35 kilo per bag) and if we keep the bran we pay about 20 or 25 baht per bag.....this means your 1000 bags will bring you either 10,000 baht and alot of bran or it will bring you 20,000 baht or so. Around here most people are small time farmers and don't mill alot at once...they take it in one or two bags at a time.


    Hi Chownah,

    What did you do with the bran?

    im doing this business in philippines.abt 8 - 12 peso per KG of untreat grain.

    which is about 6 baht per KG.

  3. You do understan Prestige Asia that you are going to have to process huge quantities for it to be viable project from you can earn a profitable income doing. I take it you will be doing other things other than just prossecing rice for a living?


    Hi Maizefarmer,

    I have a small business and helping my family business in scrap metal too.

    Now i really want to set up a small company dealing with rice milling.And i want this rice milling company im doing to become a big company in future.

    My first deal is to get the paddy from farm at abt 50 ton.which is 1000 sack of grain.

    Is this quantities ok for a new rice miller like me?

    im very new in this line..

    Thank you for your guide and advice

  4. Can they be used in the production of animal feed ? If there's any feed mills near you you could contact them, where actually are you ?


    Thank you so much for yr reply.Im setting up a small rice milling in philippines.

    they can sell it to animal feed but the price will be pretty low..im afriad that i will loss profit due to the immaturn,broken rice etc...

  5. Hello everyone,

    I am new in rice processing business and hope have some guide from you guys about lossing grains during milling.

    I notice after you clean the paddy and husking,We will have a few kind of rice.

    1) immature rice (what can i do with immature rice it??)

    2) Head rice (what can i do with head rice ?? )

    3) Broken Rice (What can i do with broken rice??)

    Can we still make a profit after the milling outcome,we have type of rice cant sell it for consume?

    Thank you for your advice.have a good day

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