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BayArea last won the day on January 18

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  1. "In a significant blow to Phuket's tourism image" 😂😂😂 Don't these Africans know, illegal sex services are only reserved for the local Thai women!! How dare they!!
  2. she will never be a capable leader, and her replacement will be either daddy or another puppet. TIT
  3. Trump's living rent free in your head. It didn't take long for some poster to bring up his name.
  4. at this point, they should only report when Bangkok has a good air day.
  5. Bangkok post-the economy is waiting to hit an iceberg "All these conditions will converge in 2025: (1) fragile economy, (2) frozen financial sector and (3) over-sized debt obligation. The Thai economy is most likely to sink like the Titanic did."
  6. when you are barely getting by, and the economy is bleak while the cost of living is increasing, the smiles are less and less. 2025 will not be any better for the average Thai.
  7. Basically 3 Turks against a one Russian.
  8. There are many " Don'ts" in LOS and one of them is don't ride your bicycle here
  9. me thinks thou doth protest too much...
  10. Nigerians arrested, implicated in cocaine smuggling Bangkok Post Learning - Learn English from News "Thai woman trying to smuggle cocaine into Japan by swallowing 59 small packets of the drug, about 700 grams in total. The cocaine was worth about 2.1 million baht, police said." 🙄
  11. So basically, a current corrupted political figure vs a puppet for an ousted corrupted political figure. TIT!
  12. more like poor Thai people. the Thai gov't, elites, and top military brass could care less what the international community thinks of them.
  13. so, after 9 years without any real progress from another useless coup, Thailand once again is facing bleak future in the hands of the Shinwatras. Amazing that the more things changed, the more they remained the same in LOS.
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