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BayArea last won the day on January 18

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  1. Authorities discovered friends in Oman contacted the Thai embassy, finding no record of her return. Mind told friends she feared for her life, revealing her boyfriend had allegedly killed three women before. He reportedly forced her to take drugs, leaving her weakened, and used her social media to send threats to her friends. enough said. let's hope she is alright and return safely to her parents. 🤞
  2. it's simple. Thailand and TAT don't care about so- called quality tourists, never have. They are only concerned about spending of the baht, period! quantity over quality has been their formula. TAT loves to tell the world how many tourists they received each month. All the while, the incidents of violence, scams, and accidents related to tourism continues to rise each year without any proper resolve from the clowns in charge.
  3. all the coup did was put Thailand back 10 years.
  4. So, it's finally official, Thaksin is running the show! it took several months and multiple articles to confirmed it. 🙄
  5. you could take away half of those 529 stalls and no one would know the difference. every other stall sells the same junk at a different price.
  6. that face of hers is made for radio!
  7. they have been eating curry for centuries. don't let them tell you otherwise. $$$ knows no color!
  8. LOL!!! Everything they do is about getting tourism $$$.
  9. This pretty much sums it up.
  10. Ask yourself, why is that?? we all know the answer.
  11. There is no type for the Thai government and TAT. The only thing that matters is how much the baht is spent in LOS!!
  12. that is sad and disappointing to hear. I truly believe the Thai psyche have been conditioned and basically brainwashed to believe that The Chinese can do no wrong. Thais envy the work ethics, family dynamics, business acumen and ambitious nature of the Chinese and regard them as saviors of their country's economy, political system and wealthy elites.
  13. This is one of the truest statements ever made on this forum. My Thai wife fits this bill. She and most Thais have always something negative to say about Khmer, Lao, Burmese and Malays from the southern provinces, but she rarely has anything bad to say about the Chinese in LOS.

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