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Posts posted by jumnien

  1. ok but why would i feel guilty?if i knew he did not drink alcohol i would not give it too him.what about personal responsibility of the person receiving this gift?am sorry i know i am looking at this from just a commonsense point of view and not a religious perspective which maybe a little off topic.

    I agree. If I knew someone was an alcoholic or in some way irresponsible or impressionable then my giving that person alchohol would create nagative kamma for me, in the wrong hands alchohol can be very distructive.

    If alcohol were somehow "sinful" or "evil" in some way then why did I have it in my possession in the first place?

    The 5th precept is a training rule rather than a commandment, if in doubt keep away from it but a little wine over a shared meal with decent people is hardly anything to be concerned about, nor is giving it as a gift.

    I have to say I tend to agree with you, but it's a dangerous rationalization to make. Once you go down that road, then the training rule against inappropriate sex isn't really a commandment and a "rub and a tug" at the local massage parlor isn't really sex, as verified by Bill Clinton.

  2. Opening up Thailand to farangs might help Thais, a minority of them anyway, but it would ruin Thailand for farangs. The whole point of living here as a farang is that there aren't many of us. Otherwise, it would be a hot and humid Helsinki or Manchester with fat white people, yuck, limping around all over the place. Oh, I shudder to think what would happen if the dam ever bursts. Not a pretty sight at all!

  3. All politics is corrupt by definition. There is no moral high ground in the struggle for power and domination in the social structural relationship between human beings. Citizens are allowed varying degrees of influence, usually very little, in choosing the power positions within the gangs and mafias that will dominate them. See things as they really are, not as one would like them to be. That is the starting point. Swearing complete allegiance to one particular gang or mafia is not most skillful place to begin.

  4. It is amusing! But if the sign said, "I love Arabs", or "I love Koreans", or any of the other groups who come to Thailand, many farang probably would have been complaining. Oh well, pity the Thai who tries to please everyone!

  5. Heavy boozing for 10 to 15 years will on average shorten your lifespan by about 15 years. I wished I would have known that when I was younger. :)

    Sorry about your personal health. I hope that your newfound sobriety will bring a renewal of spirit and great healing to your body. I have seen this in others. In my 15 year attendance at 12-step meetings, where folks have often drank very heavily for long periods of time, I have seen very few lives cut short. Most sober alcoholics, despite their years of liver torture, recover marvelously and lead happy long lives. You can too!

  6. It's not the fact that he died that is so shocking to me; it's the fact that he lived so long that is amazing. With the amount of pharmaceuticals habitually attacking his system and his self-destructive pathological lifestyle it is truly amazing he lived as long as he did, most die far younger. It's a shame the world saw him as an entertainer and not as a human being desperately in need of intervention and assistance.

  7. Michael Jackson clearly was "a grown man with an unhealthy relationship with young boys", as reported by CNN. I think I'll shed a tear for Farrah Fawcett instead.

    Hear hear.


    I remember where I was the day Elvis died. I also know where I was when John Lennon was shot to death. And now another pop icon of my youth is dead. Regardless of his problems, MJ made good music. Let those without sin cast the first stone.

    There's no need to use this media event to downplay the significance of child molestation. The excuse of "oh, boy could he dance!", is very, very lame, indeed.

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