Very good... ????@Mark131v
This was a wise decision. So far, Pita has shown us nothing but integrity and that is in very short supply here, when it comes to politics. They need to oppose the highly toxic army and the sold out PT, which likely lost alot of it's remaining goodwill by jumping into bed with the reptiles.
Thailand mourns. For now, it's future has been stolen once again by the army thieves and goons. The army is no doubt the enemy of the people, and so is the new stooge PM. The recent election shows that the people are both sick of being led by highly ignorant dinosaurs, with no interest in progress, and are interested in smart, young folks, who are serious, accomplished, capable of change, and interested in insuring that Thailand has a good future. Pita is exactly what this nation needs, at this point in time. However, he was too progressive, and the goons had to stop him, in the name of regression.
After all, this is a man who interrupted his studies at MIT, during an MBA program at Sloan to rescue his father's rice bran oil business, Agrifood, after this fathers death. He was successful, and is paying down the 100 million baht his father borrowed to start the company. This is a serious man. Very unlike the failures before him. He then went back and finished his MBA, at one of the top business schools on the planet. He is an accomplished man, unlike the army goons, who are only good at bossing young men around. Nothing else. Nada. Zero. Nunca.