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  1. I don't understand Twitter. Garbage. I don't understand Instgram, I can't zoom in on the pictures on my phone...lol......I DO understand Facebook but I think it's for morons. Tinder, of course, it's all fake but I understand it. People will say Twitter is all the n-word now, as they push their own politics. I wouldn't be surprised if the same clowns pay for these "hateful" accounts just to push their own agenda. Twitter's collective IQ is under 30 so it's easy to fool those clowns. The people who created these platforms are the geniuses. Not the idiot users. Sort of like here............ oh wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. There are many in Chiang Mai, a nice enough city (if no pollution, traffic, noise, heat) that has almost everything. I forgot what I paid years and years ago............. I did check one now and saw it was like 35,000 baht a year. I'm guessing that is just to the school. 1900 for the VISA, it usually costs me like 6000 baht to go to LAOS and back (gotta stay a night), and then i'm sure there are more fees here and there. Advice: Reading first. Just my opinion, but I'm pretty sure I'm right. POSSIBLY your second class, with the first class being super basic beginner stuff if you need that......reading is really a game-changer and you can try to read all day, every day............... Today I read something I didn't understand.....sticky rice and mango and ???? turns out it was his sister's name. OK!!!!! he laughed, I tried, we laughed, there you go...
  3. It's comical you believe your own post. It's comical how right I am It's comical that I'm comical It's comical I had conversations with police officers and they knew their laws It's comical you would think otherwise It's comical you think I'm naïve comical indeed!!!!! lol
  4. That dark chapter in CIA history has reemerged with President Trump’s nomination of a new director, Gina Haspel, a career undercover officer who oversaw the Thai black site in late 2002. I guess it "closed" in 2018. -------------------and-------------------- The secret detention programme, as it was grad­ually uncovered, stretched across the globe. The network of sites we have documented encompasses Antaviliai and Kabul, North Carolina and Skopje, Columbia County, Milan, Tripoli and Bucharest. In our journeys through this material, we have sought to portray the appearance of disappearance. Plus tons of spy places... send America an email, "Don't be mean to people!!! I won't invite you to my Birthday Party!!!" That should bring peace to the world. or not.................... Fun story but nothing will happen or change and the universe will continue the way it was regardless of our posts........ Fight the good fight falang from Pattaya!!!! Call your embassy and DEMAND action against America...hahahahhahahahhahahhahhahahahahahha.....even your own country will laugh at you.
  5. Hello my good man, INTERNET doctor here!!!!! First, three large bottles of Chang Then, naked, run 100 meters to the nearest lake/river/body of water and swim for 234 seconds. Not a second longer!!!! Once you are done, find the nearest buddha. Pray for 39 hours and only drink Chang. Once this is completed, go see a doctor and show him your arm.
  6. Update!!!! Is she starving because her bf didn't send her 50 pesos!!!!!! good thing you came to TVF first!!! Next time she asks for 50 pesos, internet chap before all else!!!! Once my wife asked me for 4 pesos................. once
  7. knowing ISN'T the same as ENFORCING.... Where is your evidence they don't KNOW their own laws!!!!! lol........comical, no way you know this Falangs usually don't even know they are in Thailand, and most falangs don't know a Tuk Tuk from an airplane and most falangs are drunk 99% of the time and don't even know where their own passport is!!!! lol
  8. as opposed to....................?
  9. Have your "friend" go to the nearest police station and get your cocaine. How many times have you done cocaine in Thailand? Ever sold it? maybe you have pictures in LOS with cocaine laughing at how you can break the laws and destroy this country!!!!!! Asking for a friend. lol 02 205 2724 You can call and tell them you want cocaine!!!!! Tell them you are asking for a friend!!!! hahhahahahhahahahahahahahh For Schedule 1 and 2 Substances: Imprisonment of 5-20 years and a fine of 100,000-400,000 Baht for production, importation or exportation sale Imprisonment not exceeding 5 years and a fine not exceeding 100,000 Baht for carrying across borders Imprisonment of 1-5 years and a fine of 20,000-100,000 Baht for possession, use or consumption Up to 10 years imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 – 1,000,000 Baht for production, importation or exportation. If the substance or substances found include morphine, opium or cocaine the penalty is increased to imprisonment of 20 years to life and fine of 2,000,000 – 5,000,000 Baht
  10. when you say "most for us" I hope you don't mean humanity!!!!! lol The introduction of aircraft carriers, Very Long Range aircraft and roving 'support groups' of warships eventually defeated the U-boats at the end of May 1943. I'd put your deciphering machine and finding of those deciphering books Number 890237432094384903 on the list of most important things that saved humanity. humanity could easily live without that. easily.
  11. same with water, food, good qualities of sleep, nutrients, clean air, etc......... Forget everything, Pattaya all-day every day!!!!!! Benefits, many benefits..... LOSexpats 6 months to live!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now 5!!!!!! Quit posting, start living!!!!! Pattaya is calling..................
  12. "Untold human suffering" Have they read these threads??????????????????????????????
  13. flash drive, Bitcoin wallet 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 billion USD all you need bro, all you need...............
  14. Help her!!! You can afford it, she is poor. Very poor. She needs your help, and I'm sure you said you would help the poor before you went to Phil. It's only $15, that's nothing. It's your girlfriend and you are a falang. You can do this. Why get a girlfriend if you can't support her even $15?? You want to block her?? I see 10 divorces for you in the future........................maybe 20
  15. You can just PIN this sentence to the top of almost every single article. Every second here this is probably true somewhere. and not just LOS!!! lol
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