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Posts posted by vagabond48

  1. When I came back to CM, I went to the blind messeuse, I used last year several times. This time when I left after a 2 hour massage that included the cracking of my back, 2 days later I developed lower back problems. I went back 2 more times to the same one but he could not help me. I think my back is out of alighment and would like to find a good and well known chiro here in CM.


  2. I will be in and about Chiang Mai for 9 months and would like a very secure place to store some of my valuables especially when I go off on regional bike tours. I was wondering if anyone living in CM knows if bank safe deposit boxes are available and for how much?

    I am assuming that if they are available that they are indeed private and very secure as in the USA.

    Any information would be appreciated.


  3. Police report has never been required in Thailand.

    I got this off of the Los Angeles Thai Consulate website as a requirement for a retirement Visa.

    Are they ignoring their own requirements or is the webpage information obsolete?

    *6. 4 copies of police verification

    stating the applicant has no criminal record issued by the authority concerned

    of his/her nationality or residence.(the verification must be valid not more than 3 months)

    *7. 4 copies of a medical certificate |Download|

    issued from the country where the application is submitted,

    showing no prohibitive diseases as indicated in the Ministerial Regulation No. 14 (B.E. 2535)

    with the name and address of the doctor. (the certificate must be valid no more than 3 months)

  4. After getting proof of the 65kbaht/month income from your embassy, does the 65k need to be transfered to a Thai bank account monthly or can you simply withdraw what you need using your foreign ATM card?

    Edit: I just saw the answer to my question so I guess I need to transfer the funds monthly. I think I would probably spend closer to 30-35k a month so do I transfer 65k every other month or play the game of transfering 65k monthly and then transfering the excess back to my foreign bank account.

    Since I am not really retiring in Thailand (yet) but staying there between 5 to 8 month, there is got to be a less complicated way to stay (I hope).

  5. Enormous shakeup of visa and immigration rules

    Most farangs will be affected

    The so called retirement visa. [/b]

    This allows foreigners aged 50 and over to extend a non-immigrant visa for up to 12 months from the date of the last entry into Thailand. It requires either 800,000 baht in a Thai bank or a combination of cash in the bank and proof of pension paid in the home country. A letter from the respective embassy is required for proof of pension. -- Pattaya Today 2006-10-02

    I am going to stay in Thailand between 5 to 9 months. Since I am over 50, I may apply for a retirement visa but the above says that you need a proof of pension. What if you don't have a pension but have long term fixed investments that produce more than the required 65kbaht/month? Will this monthly income be accepted with an embassy letter of proof?

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