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Dok Mai

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  1. At some point they get "old" (35 - 40) and get less customers. In order to keep a decent amount of money it's time to settle down. Simple right? And if it's too difficult there is still rat poison.
  2. I am sure / know it happens a lot. It's a major cash cow. A lot of money enters and the kids get the bare minimum. Money goes to the owners family living the lives of the rich. Going to church and even board members leading the church. Guess you need to ask for a lot of forgiveness. Accusations of: Beating kids with belts on their bare buts, rape, other sexual abuse, hitting kids, chocking kids. But if you mention this to the children's welfare department they tell they need proof. Kids are so scared they don't dare to do anything and are in actual danger if they are caught. Don't want to leave because it's their only way to finish school is what they think. Their family (siblings, sometimes a parent that is still alive) depends on them finishing school. The kids feel that pressure too. It's a living hell. Happy they finally do something. They should check all those orphanages and do welfare checks on the kids where they can appeal freely.
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