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  1. Southeast Asian societies do not turn on a dime. MFP have definitely outperformed. At least, by even daring to tackle the question of Section 112 reforms, they've cracked open what was previously a taboo topic. Change in Southeast Asia occurs over generations, not years. Note that, in neighbouring Malaysia, it took 25 years from the time Anwar Ibrahim kicked off his "Reformasi" movement to taking power as Prime Minister.
  2. Mac, if this is true, then every immigration officer who processed all my extensions at Immigration Division 1 must have been complacent in implementing the regulations, even when my application has been placed "Under Consideration", and presumably must have been signed off by a more senior official in charge. I'm sitting here shaking my head at the complaints insinuating that Covid extensions were somehow "abused". The fact is applications for Covid extensions were made available until August 24th 2022 for reasons only known to the decision-makers in the halls of power in the Thai government. It also seems extremely unlikely that the fact that IOs manning the desks were handing Covid extensions out liberally would be a complete mystery to their superior officers. Most of you more experienced Thailand (or Southeast Asia) hands should really know this - in this part of the world, the regulations, as gazetted, do not always correspond with the reality on the ground. Singapore is probably the only exception to this observation. On paper, these are some of the most strictly regulated countries on the planet - in reality, things are a lot more laissez faire.
  3. BTW, my under consideration period is three weeks to the day. The procedure at CW has varied each time I did my Covid extensions there. 1st extension (February) - 60 days from the date of application (not the end of my previous tourist visa extension). Covid extension stamped in right away. 2nd extension (April) - 60 days from the end of the previous Covid extension. Stamped in right away. 3rd extension (June) - 60 days from the end of the previous Covid extension. Given 3-week under consideration stamp. 4th extension (today) - the same as in June. (3-week under consideration stamp). At no stage in this process was a "special" expedited service offered. The fee was always 1,900 baht, payable right after the documents were checked and accepted by the IO. It may be the case that procedures are done much more "by the book" at CW compared with other offices, but this is purely speculative on my part as I have attended no other immigration office.
  4. I just obtained my "Under Consideration" stamp at CW today. This was my fourth Covid extension application after I was granted three extensions at the end of February, April, and June. My present extension was due to expire on August 29th. Submitted the usual documents - the various forms, photocopies of visa pages, and printout of TM30 screenshot. No issues. Didn't ask for an onward flight ticket. As always, your mileage may vary.
  5. You picked the right strategy for dealing with this expeditiously. I've just seen a YouTube video from a Chinese citizen claiming that he'd tried to apply for a Covid extension in Phuket, only to be told it wasn't possible. After which, he conferred with other Chinese nationals, finding out that an agent was needed to make it possible. BTW, I applied for a Covid extension a week ago in Bangkok (Chaengwattana) and was given the "Under Consideration" stamp, without using an agent. So, that option still remains if you change your mind about using an agent in Krabi.
  6. It has always been this way, from my experience. I arrived in December 2021 on a tourist visa. 2 months later, when I went to get that extended, I was told I needed to get the 30 day extension first before applying for a 60 day Covid extension. Keep in mind, the rule has generally been 60 days from the date of application for your first Covid extension, and then 60 days from the end of the previous Covid extension for any subsequent Covid extensions. Note: The above depends on the office you're applying in and the IO who's stamping you in. I've only ever done my visa extensions in Chaengwattana (Bangkok).
  7. How long have you been in Thailand? I came in December 2021 on a tourist visa, did the tourist visa extension, and then two Covid extensions, and am now wondering if that feels like "a bit too long."
  8. Cheers, would greatly appreciate an update. I'm headed to Chaengwattana mid-week to apply for a Covid extension so, if you're heading that way too, any field reports would be very much welcome.
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