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vermin on arrival

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Posts posted by vermin on arrival

  1. On 1/23/2022 at 5:33 AM, JoseThailand said:

    I think you forgot what happened in September 2020. It was exactly the same situation. The covid amnesty was ending and they tried to kick everyone out, before introducing covid extensions days after the supposed deadline.

    No didn't forget. That was really stressful. I held out against the cash grab and was rewarded, but it wasn't fun. I think I got my under consideration stamp done before it actually expired, but my memory is a little fuzzy.

  2. On 1/23/2022 at 6:43 AM, Daithi85 said:

    The officer told you it would be your last one but he also said wait for the announcement? 

    Yes lol. So who knows really. It wasn't the IO processing my request but the one doing the pre-application  document check. They weren't giving out any application packets so it seemed like no one was going to be eligible since they always handed them out to everyone every time before.

  3. On 1/12/2022 at 4:06 PM, audaciousnomad said:

    In Bangkok I successfully got a 60-day stamp to 25-Mar. They remember my face by now(I've been here since pandemic began).  I was verbally told that this is the LAST extension.


    They have said this is the LAST ONE a few times before when I extended. Each time I still got the stamp approved. Then shortly afterwards govt announced that covid extension program was extended. So I kept returning.


    Something different from the previous times is that the lady threatened that if she sees me in March, I will only be given 7 days, not 60. Not sure what to make of that, but maybe this time they really mean it?

    Should I apply in a different office when March comes?

    Lol. Somebody doesn't like you. I'm pretty sure I know who...the new number system at MTT means you can't avoid a problematic agent

  4. I went to MTT on Thursday and was surprised when the officer checking my documents said this would be my last extension. When I queried him about the fact that the regional borders have not opened up yet, I was told to wait for an announcement whether it would be extended. They also were not handing out the packets the had been for the next extension.


    So they just want to boot us all out even though regional borders are not opening up with any kind of normality? My prior visit to this one they asked me I had to write down when I would leave, and I wrote when I can get back home to Taiwan.

  5. 1 hour ago, ourmanflint said:

    I've said this quite a lot before but lots of fantastically dense people here still refuse to understand it.


    This virus will not stop until everyone has either had it or is vaccinated, that's how it works.


    There is no other way, so talk of peaks now is utter garbage, all that is happening is a slow down in infection rates because of lockdown, the second it is lifted, cases will rocket once more until everyone has been infected or is vaccinated

    Flattening the curve just makes the pain last longer and should only be done when hospitals are being overwhelmed. Protect the vulnerable and let it spread and the wave will last 90 days. The latest study from the UK shows that the Delta Variant while more contagious( I believe they said 60% more) is actually the weakest/least deadly. The overall mortality rate was .1% which was the weakest of all the variants.

  6. Parts of this list are comical:

    • Going outside only when necessary
    • Keeping 1-2 metres distance from others everywhere
    • Wearing facemasks at all times, both outdoors and at home, if there are more than two people in the house and especially if you are living with elderly or vulnerable people
    • Washing your hands frequently, before a meal, after using the bathroom, after sneezing, coughing or touching common areas. Assume that everyone, including infected people have touched it
    • Avoiding direct hand contact with your facemask, your eyes, nose and mouth
    • Elders and vulnerable people should not leave the house. If unavoidable, go outside for the shortest time possible
    • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently-touched surfaces
    • Separating personal items and not sharing them with others
    • Eat, but do not share, hot or fully cooked food
    • If you think you are at risk, you should use an Antigen Test Kit to test yourself for COVID-19 or get tested at the nearest hospital.

    Keep 1-2 meters away from people even in your own home( i guess everyone should carry two meter poles to poke people with to make sure the distancing is proper). Basically wear masks all the time (this is actually really unhealthy for you). Old people cannot even exercise outdoors in a an area that is relatively private or get any fresh air(they must all be under house arrest). These are pretty much unrealistic expectations.

  7. It will go down normally as the lockdown is eased since a wave always follows a viral curve and attempts to flatten the curve will just prolong that current stage of the epidemic. Now that we are at full community spread in the nation one cannot expect a lockdown to get cases down to zero. Protect the vulnerable and let the natural part of herd immunity amongst the ones less vulnerable to serious cases and death (especially those under 40 for whom the disease is less dangerous than the flu) help society as has always been the public health policy followed in times of epidemics in the modern era; this is the policy advocated by the tens of thousands of health care doctors and experts who signed the great barrington declaration. The disease doesn't just increase indefinitely. One can follow the waves of other countries to see how it works. In India the last wave was bad, but lasted only 3 months (from end of March through end of June).

  8. 23 hours ago, ukrules said:

    Sure it is...

    Well an epidemic of covid in an area will normally follow a viral curve of maybe 90 days. If you think this wave started in early,June, then it should naturally be going down around sometime before now. The thing which might make a wave last longer in an area is the attempt to mitigate/flatten the curve. The infections don't just go up forever regardless of what we do.


    Another thing to think is how many were infected and didn't get tested due to being mildly infected or asymptomatic. I am also sure that some/many may have had milder cases and didn't get tested due to not wanting to be isolated in a hospital or sent to one of those field hospitals until negative. I had some symptoms of what might have been a very mild case starting maybe a month ago that have since gone away. I am still stuck by the Asia border closures and have no insurance and am not in the Thai system and would not want to pay the cost of weeks in a Thai private hospital or be sent to one of those field hospitals so I didn't run to get tested. I feel fine now.

  9. 7 hours ago, J Town said:

    Interestingly enough the delta variant is already there so it doesn't matter. There is no risk if the people coming in are tested and do asq.


    "Experts believe that the Delta variant is behind crippling surges in places outside Manila, including Davao city, President Rodrigo Duterte’s home turf, where sweeping lockdown measures in recent weeks have failed to bring down infections."


    A country can have tens of thousands of infected from local transmission but heavens to betsy if there is one from dirty foreigners. it's absurd

    • Sad 1
  10. 8 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    That might depend upon whether you have ever filed a TM30 before or perhaps have a record from a previous extension application using the same address.

    I've never filed a tm30 before but do two 2 extensions a year from this address when I come in for my yearly visits to Thailand. All my emergency covid extensions this year have been from this address. Do I need to file a tm30 at the end of January?

  11. 14 hours ago, Jackcwba said:

    Hi Vernan, was you counter J or K? 

    J is no online booking required and also they didn’t ask you for tm30?

    Counter K. It's up to IO discretion I think. My friends who went yesterday were asked for it.


    It could be that since I stayed at the same place for 10 years the IO didn't need additional proof. She also said at one point when I was missing a copy that she would do it for me and was sympathetic to me since I am almost 60. Who knows.

  12. 1 hour ago, DrJack54 said:

    Thai imm offices are gold medalists for "consistency in being inconsistent"


    Happy you obtained your 60 day extension.

    When you mentioned alternative to Thailand long stay. I obtain (pre covid) 3 month multi entry 4 times/year to Vietnam. Adds up to under $300usd per year.

    It really is amazing. Amazing Thailand lol. This never ending song and dance of visa weirdness was part of the reason I never considered the long stay option for Thailand over the last 20 years. Unfortunately, I may need to jump a few more hoops until I can get out of here.


    Thanks for the info on Vietnam Jack. That's a dam good deal. It's a shame the borders are still closed in Asia for people who are not considered essential workers.


    I know I can currently get into Laos with a 1 year work visa set up through an agent, but it looks like close to $1300 US all in. I'm not sure what the total would be, including the cost of flight, ASQ and covid tests. If things become more difficult here, and I can't get home to Taiwan, I will probably pull the trigger on that. I am also considering Kenya and Crete as options. Take Care.

    • Like 1
  13. On 11/24/2020 at 8:22 PM, DrJack54 said:

    No offense but you have asked similar questions for every "end of amnesty" and now end of your current extension.

    I would have all this organized weeks ago. Now you post your planning on visit to IMM and wonder if you should have your friend file TM30.

    In any event best of luck. 

    I guess your good luck wishes worked for me Jack. No TM30 documentation was requested from me. They must like that I have stayed at the same address for the last 10 years when I have been in Thailand. Or something else. Who knows. IO discretion it must be.


    It was the easiest extension I have done since December 2019. Left my home at 10:45 AM and back by 1PM. Arrived at MTT at 11:15AM and out by 12:05PM. My appointment was in the afternoon, but no appointment was requested because things were slow. No TM 30 was asked for. Go back on December 9 for the rest of the days. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


    Having said all that, two of my friends were asked for their TM30s at MTT today. Go figure.


    I wait until near the end to see how things shake out at the different offices because we all know the inconsistency of the application of the rules at different offices and even at the same office by different officers. Things might even change up at the different offices as the procedures are implemented. So far it has worked well for me.


    I think I will continue to do things this way since most likely the rules will change for the next extension, and I want all the information possible before I go to extend so that I get the extension that works the best for me. I have no intention of long staying here. The first chance I can get somewhere I want to be, I'm outta here. If I need to spend a lot for a long stay visa using an agent, I will go to Laos  or elsewhere


    In any case, best of luck to you as well.

    • Like 1
  14. On 11/25/2020 at 12:09 AM, Jackie66 said:

    I have also never been asked for it until last week and i did probably 20 different extensions in last years and all i stayed in a condo not a hotel.


    and here are the forms.



    If you rent the condo you need the contract.

    If it is in someone else's name then you need that person with you or need them to fill in a form giving you permission to sign in their name and copy of their ID and Blue book (house book) both signed by that person.

    Hi Jackie. Thanks for the kind post with that information. It's funny though I went yesterday and the IO asked me for none of it, which was quite good because I did not have all of the proper documentation that you posted. Maybe it's because of my age, which the IO noted or maybe because I have made all my extensions from the same condominium address over the last 10 years. Who knows. That magical IO discretion worked in my favor yesterday.


    But let me just say thanks again. I will be sure I have this documentation sorted next time even though I am sure they will change things again as they have every time for these covid extensions.

  15. On 11/25/2020 at 8:20 AM, ubonjoe said:

    They will need to register on the site to do the report or you could also do it as the possessor/tennent.

    Link for site: https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn24online/

    You could also do the TM30 report in persons yourself if you have a rental agreement and copie of their house book and ID card.

    Thanks Joe. The whole thing is funny. I went yesterday to MTT without any proper documentation and wasn't asked for any. Maybe it was because I am older and the IO was sympathetic (she made a copy of my middle covid extensions which I didn't know were needed and said she was sympathetic to my age). Maybe it was because all my extensions from my visits to Thailand in the last 10 years were made from the same condo I am still staying at. It's all down to that magical IO discretion which worked in my favor yesterday. I didn't see anyone turned away and a number I talked to had no TM30 documentation.


    It was the easiest extension I have done since December 2019. Left my home at 10:45 AM and back by 1PM. Arrived at MTT at 11:15AM and out by 12:05PM. My appointment was in the afternoon, but no appointment was requested because things were slow. Go back on December 9 for the rest of the days. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


    Having said all that, two of my friends were asked for their TM30s at MTT today. Go figure.


    I will make sure I have the tm30 sorted out for next time if I can't get somewhere I want to live. Thanks again for all your kind help Joe; you're the best.

  16. On 11/17/2020 at 3:58 PM, ubonjoe said:

    That is the standard 7 days to leave the country after paying the 1900 baht fee for a extension that is denied.

    Hi Ubon Joe. Is there a link somewhere for someone to file TM30 form online? I need to get my friend who owns my condo to file it so I can get my 60 day covid extension. I see they just decided to be strict about it at MTT now when I have never been asked for it before in 20 years of my visits to Bangkok in the past when getting extensions. I rent a condo here.

  17. 1 minute ago, DrJack54 said:

    No offense but you have asked similar questions for every "end of amnesty" and now end of your current extension.

    I would have all this organized weeks ago. Now you post your planning on visit to IMM and wonder if you should have your friend file TM30.

    In any event best of luck. 

    Apologies. I was waiting to see how things worked out as I have been every time and the situation has been different every time. The tm30 is a new requirement for people in my situation. I just saw a post about it today, which is why I am asking.

  18. 5 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    In other words you need to obtain extension.

    That means you need to demonstrate where your staying... Simple really

    Yes. So will my paid bills in the landlord's name be sufficient or must i get my friend who owns the place to file a tm30? It's the same flat for the last 10 years of visa exempt extensions I have filed 2 times a year.

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