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Tall Midget

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Everything posted by Tall Midget

  1. OMG, how pedantic....... zzzzzzzzzzzzz bye
  2. That it is, but I dont see the the puritans banging the drum about alcohol on other parts of the forum. If they dont want to smoke then fine, but dont start telling others what they should/ should not do.
  3. In hindsight I guess you are right, 'dump' was rather harsh. Half finished maybe?
  4. View of what? Back yard looks like a dump! If thats your idea of utopia, send me some of the stuff you are puffing! ????
  5. Completely agree, but I dont see you preaching your gospel on an anti alcohol crusade!
  6. Far from it, but I can see you have a superiority complex!
  7. I would be sure you saw alcohol cause a lot more damage.
  8. Ah, that must be it then! Whats your excuse then for the rubbish you post ? ????
  9. OK, just a member of the fun police in your spare time, got it now!
  10. wow, surprising to say the least. needs to get out more me thinks.
  11. I've never understood why people like you get so upset and anti about something that is doing you absolutely no harm. Go down there and chill out as opposed to sitting on here punching your keyboard day in and day out.
  12. You think it just opened without the owners talking to the cops? Been in there, nice place and relaxed.
  13. 55 actually, the puff has done me no harm.
  14. I've been puffing for fun since I was in my teens, in my early 50's now. I hold down a good and well paid job in Thailand, yearly medicals give me a clean bill of health, I exercise 5 or 6 days a week and have a resting pulse rate of an athlete. How are you doing?
  15. New one just opened at the top left side (from Boukhao) on soi pothole. Guess what, its called the Pothole, I was in there over the weekend, nice joint (pun intended)
  16. Keep off the pills......... Try Wim Hopf's breathing techniques for starters, its helped me in the past. Read the comments and give it a bash. First link is how to breathe, 2nd is the exercise. I do it most days and feel great. Be strong, dont take the easy pill approach unless you have to. Just google Wim Hopf
  17. The chap writing this stuff seems to
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