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Posts posted by jakerrr

  1. There is a really good new organization called English Wow. www.englishwow.org. They have some good camps they offer and they do custom camps as well. You might want to ask them if they can send some of their staff to help you out or maybe just run the camp for you. Their priority is on actually giving their students some valuable language training combined with lots of fun. It sounds like that's what you're looking for. I did a camp with them back in April and I was really impressed. Most of those english camps are pretty much just a big party designed for the kids to have fun and have little to do with learning anything. But their camp had lots of learning and practice opportunities for the students. As well, I thought is was very professionally planned and organized ---- which is not usually the case with other organizations I've worked with. I will probably work for them again if they will invite me back --- so maybe I'll see you there. They have a great website. www.englishwow.org

    good luck.

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