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Everything posted by Tykes

  1. Yes your right, we have 2 fridges, toaster, microwave, etc, most of our cooking is with gas or coal, lot's of barbecues, only 1 air conditioning for the bedroom at night, seldom used because of the insulation round the roof. As for the electricity, lighting etc comes from the solar system. We invested in cost cutting about 10 years ago and it seems to have been worth it now.
  2. Our electricity bill was 824 baht for the month of July which seems incredibly low having had 12 family members staying at our property for a month, the June bill was 750 baht, so I'm not complaining.
  3. Planet zanuzzi, peace and quiet. ????????
  4. Good on ya, I'm on 43 years and have no regrets, only now is time running out. ⌚????
  5. 2 hours drive from surin.
  6. Hi I'm not one to prior but I hope your brother will recover, all the best from tykes.
  7. Once again thanks, the patches you mentioned are not available here, I would try anything for a night's sleep with out pain, wife is working wonders, 3 morphine injections a day +god knows what tablets, once the body gets use to the medication it starts to not function properly and the only way is to take stronger doses and then your back to square 1,can't believe it happens so quickly, holiday in March and now it's like being on death row only I'm not going to be waiting years. Not sure if I'm making sense once the drugs kick in I'm all over the place.
  8. I think it would not really matter anymore what I eat when the body is riddled with cancer, the only thing that function's is my head at the moment, saying that I'm starting to forget things which really annoying, can't believe how quickly I can happen, came back from holiday in March and now it's like being on death row just waiting.
  9. Thanks for the info, hospital gave me a bucket full of tablet's and 3 months morphine, sadly nothing more that they can do. As they say life goes on. ????????
  10. I've been diagnosed with lung cancer and bone cancer, be lucky to see Christmas. ????
  11. Taking morphine every day, needed something extra.
  12. I'm surely going to die in the next 7 years, can't do the test, not been able to walk for 6 weeks, now in the 4th stage of cancer, I'll be lucky to see Christmas, oh how life goes on.
  13. I'm just wondering how many people smoke kratom as a alternative to ganja, I'm in a small village, all the women chew it, the men smoke it, they say it helps with stress and pains after a hard day's work. I've recently come out of hospital and have been in so much pain I thought well if it's good for them give it a try, it's no cure for pain or illness but it does ease a lot of aches and pains, any thoughts?
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