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Everything posted by Babalooey

  1. Hello. Let me start by saying that I am NOT a pediatric physician. I am a retired ER Physician and this is not my field of practice. That being said… What you are describing is commonly referred to as a “Peep”. The lungs need peeps in order to fully expand the lungs whenever they start to deflate. There are many reason. Illness, lethargy, allergy, etc. if the lungs are not fully exchanging oxygen & carbon dioxide, the decrease will tend to keep the lungs from fully inflating. It is a normal process. ok, so enough about the condition, let’s talk about the possible solutions in children, lucky there are options. I’ve seen many premature infants with underdeveloped lungs that did not survive and was peeping 25x minute your pediatrician can give you a better, complete understanding but here are a few. so what are the options 1) deep breath exercises. This is to increase lung mass and volume 2) lots of exercise (running, jumping, swimming) anything that increases the heart pumping and breathing 3) allergy medicines. There may be an airborne substance in the new school that you child may be allergic to 4) steroids. (While I am not a big fan of steroids, it short term they have their uses) 5) psychotherapy. Sometime these are brought on subconsciously and it takes a little bit of managing the mind in order to alter it. It’s the same principal of a child sucking their thumb. It’s a comfort zone 6) change of environment and see if it vanishes in order to determine what is the exact cause and course of treatment, you need to visit an qualified clinic or hospital where they can test for the actual cause and not guess the reason. I hope this helps, let me know what happens.
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