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  1. I have a large balcony where I can put 5-6 beds, I was thinking to do it on the, but the logistics may be hard of moving the soil. I would like to be organic so I was thinking of buying a clear-tarp like covering or manually check myself. This is a small project to feed 2 people so I am hoping organic is possible. Thank you, I was going to start with kale and spinach but I think that may be the wrong time to grow? I will go ahead and start with what you have mentioned.
  2. Thank you so much for your post. I bought 12kg of coconut compost and another 12kg of dirt. Do you still advise on the worm compost, I have been told the coconut is similar to the worm, is that true? For 4-4-4 fertilizer do you suggest something like this or can I get it cheeaper: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/gaia-green-4-4-4-all-purpose-organic-fertilizer-500g1kg2kg-usa-mrherbman-i3702953901-s14014013642.html?search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i18.14f43597AssOYs I see 16-16-16 online and it's quite cheap, but I do not know the difference between them. Thank you very much for your help
  3. Hi, I live in Prachup Khri khan and I am looking to grow my own food, I am starting with a 200x53x30 cm garden bed. I plan to grow kale, spinach, tomatoes, basil, baby bok choy, and other leafy greens, anything that takes less than 8 weeks to grow. If you have any tips about soil, shading, water, fertilizer, how much sun or water they need in Thailand would be most helpful. I'm about t o start in a few days so looking to avoid newbie errors. Thank you.
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