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Posts posted by radioguy1450

  1. My wife wants a puppy, one of the smaller breeds. In America I always rescued but this is her first dog so I am going along with the cute puppy plan.

    But here in Bangsaen the only puppies are from mills that I don't trust.

    So I don't know how to find a good breeder? We would be willing to drive anywhere in Chonburi or Bangkok to find one.

  2. an update---First, I meant to say "amendment" pages when referring to the pages in the back of the passport, sorry.

    second, went to the consulate and they would NOT put a visa on one of the blank amendment pages so they sent me to the federal building listed above. They DO add pages to passports on site and the turn around time is only about 24 hours. The fee is 60 dollars and there is a wait of more than an hour if u dont have an appointment.

    So problem solved

  3. about to apply for a 3 month tourist visa and I noticed I am out of the regular pages in the passport for entry and exit. But I have 3 blank pages in the back--addendum pages. Do you think they will use these for my visa or turn me away and make me add pages? Problem is my ticket is for the 21st so could be screwed here.

    Applying in Los Angeles if that matters.

  4. remember, the OP said they wanted to WALK to nightlife and shopping. Nothing lower than about soi 9 fits this bill. I love the quiet of soi 4 but the only place to walk from there is Big C. This person wants to walk to Mike's, Royal Garden and walking street.

    Pattaya Bay would work but they are full all the time now--many people are living there--they even advertise themselves as "luxury serviced apartments" now.

    I haven't stayed in the area the OP is looking for--but some people seem to like Sandy Springs and I believe that is on Soi 13 and would be a good location.

  5. What a ridiculous bullshit story. Shay didn't hit a grand slam, he weakly hit a ball a few feet and then some guy threw the ball into the stands. This is not a triumph, it is pity and any self-respecting person would be insulted if others took pity on them.

    The post says something about making your day a "Shay day." So in order to do this I should what???? patronize the handicapped? Should Shays' teachers give him high grades even if he is stupid? Should he be given jobs he is not qualified for? How about "Shay the lifeguard" day at the beach.

    I got news for the dumb fuc_king sap who wrote this original made-up story, competition is GOOD; It allows the cream to rise to the top and in the end we all benefit. When you let retards do things they are not qualified for you get people like George Bush running your country.

  6. The Americans want him arrested and locked up, because if anyone is going to sell weapons to 'two bit dictators' it's going to be the Americans.

    I was thinking the exact same thing. What balls my country has. We deal weapons all over the world --help rebels overthrow governments, deal to Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden...and then we have the nerve to want to put this guy on trial????

    My government has an amazing combination of brass balls and no shame.

  7. Just think, some of these fugitives are TV members and post here on a regular basis.

    Or maybe not. Who knows?

    I am not surprised fugitives come to LOS. I am just surprised they get caught. Once you buy a fake passport how would they ever catch you? Especially if you are an older white guy with a thai girl on your arm--wouldn't you just blend in?

  8. I don't get it, a Forum filled with ex-pats who sit around drinking alcohol all day and the moment HGH is brought up they start talking about the risks????

    If you're worried about your liver, stop drinking! Worried about your health, eat vegetables.

    People on this board are not looking to take massive quantities of steroids and HGH. We are talking about low doses and cycling those doses. I'll take a a few cycles of HGH per year for my liver over constant drinking any day. The liver is an amazing organ because of its' ability to heal itself. Of course you have to cycle off your drug of choice for this healing to take place. I see smart HGH users doing this, I don't see drinkers doing it.

    So go to Burger King, have a pound of fries and a cheese burger, then head to the bar for a dozen pints, and then tell me how dangerous HGH is. I find it entertaining.

  9. Just to be clear I want to make sure people know my OP was not meant to judge anyone who uses web dating or Thai girls who want to find a farang husband. I was just under the impression most could not read or write English so I was curious how these sites could be successful for them.

  10. Many of the Thai oriented websites I visit (like stickman) have adds for dating sites that seem to be based on connecting foreign men to Thai women. Being the cynic that I am I always assume these sites have no actual women but just fake profiles getting guys to sign up. I imagine one guy in a basement answering 3,000 e-mails a day pretending to be a woman.

    But assuming I am wrong and the women are real, I have a question. How do these women utilize a website that is written in English? While many Thais can speak some form of English, being able to read and write is an entirely different thing.

    I know many girls in rural areas want to marry a farang and they have access to internet cafes, but how would they get past the fact that they cannot read or write English? Is there one person in the village who can read English that does all the translating for them? That could get ridiculously time consuming. They could charge for this but these girls don’t have much money.

    I am just curious how all of this works (or doesn’t work). Any stories anyone has would be interesting.

  11. I would like to add one wrinkle to the OPs point on taxi drivers ripping you off. If you negotiated the price ahead of time and they then try to screw you, then you DO have the right to bitch and the driver knows it. If you did NOT negotiate the price ahead of time then you are going to be over charged and should learn not to let it happen again.

    price always needs to be determined before hand in LOS

  12. This is a subject of great interest to me as an American sports fan and TV addict. It seems that the only decent option at this time is a slingbox back home and two good internet connections--one on each end.

    hopefully technology will get to the point that all these channels stream thier stuff live but i think that is several years off.

  13. I have never been up north and know very little about CM but considering a move based on the few things I know.

    So the question is, are you sacrificing anything by living in the North versus say Bangkok?

    Specifically, how is the infrastructure? Are your utilities, internet, housing, etc... reliable and to your liking? And, are you able to buy the things you like? I assume a city the size of CM would have a Tesco or something similar and some western themed places.

    thanks in advance

    oh yea, onne more thing. Are u happy with your decision to live there?

  14. Out on DVD--

    "The Lookout" very good especially if u like heist movies.

    "Knocked Up" ---especially if u like Judd Apatow's type of humor (He wrote 40 year-old virgin and Superbad)

    "The Bridge" a documnetary about people who kill themselves jumping from the Golden Gate bridge--possibly too intense for some but I found it fascinating

  15. I am not saying I support the report because I have never been to Scandanavia. But one thing we should remember concerning Thailand in the report is that I would bet they were looking at the lives of Thai people--not expats. I think the average Thai makes 200 baht a day--around 4-5,000 per month. Many of us spend that in a weekend. Most of us probably live on 30-60,000 per month.

    So how does the quality of life in Thailand compare to other countries if you make 200 baht a day?

    Would you choose Thailand over Scandanavia if you had to live on 200 baht a day in Thailand?

  16. Just to clarify--a pedophile is considered someone who is sexually attracted to children--pre-pubescent children generally 12 and younger. Most pedophiles will loose interest in children as they become teenagers and start to look like adults.

    So the technical term for this guy is not pedophile--it is SCUMBAG. From the Latin scum.

    The thing that amazes me is that someone would have sex with a 15 year-old Thai when so many 18 year-old Thais look 15! So I guess it is not so much about the look as somthing else twisted in the mind of this guy.

  17. At my restaurant I overcharge anyone with darker skin than mine because I am a racist. The problem I have is with jews. Many of them are light skinned and sneak through the system.

    I am of course joking--but also pointing out that these restaurants are basing their pricing on race--not ability to pay. The rich Thai pays less than the poor backpacker.

    All I would ask is that they put up a sign saying that they have a tiered pricing system and then I can choose to pay it or not. If they aren't doing anything wrong then they have no reason to hide it. If they hide their pricing system, most people will feel ripped off.

  18. I know squat about finances so bear with me.

    It seems there is about a 10 percent difference between the offshore and onshore rate. So does this mean that when I come to Thailand in September I should bring an extra 10,000 US dollars with me and turn them into Baht. Then when I get back home--convert them and make 10 percent.

    Or will bank fees and the like eat up all the profit? Or am I missing something obvious that makes my scheme dumb.

  19. This sounds like a government guy trying to keep his job. Saw it many times working for the US Government.

    His boss probably got pissed off because he saw some drunk tourist taking a leak on the side of the road, so he goes into the tourism guys office and tells him to attract a better brand of visitors. But the guy has no ability to do this, no on does, so he creates this "program" to draw a better class of tourists. He will go around and give some speeches, make flyers and posters, crap like that. He will get to keep his job--but nothing will happen.

    I was a part of many useless and wasteful programs like this in the US. We used to actually try to get teenagers to stop drinking. Wanna guess if we had any success?

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