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  1. We were sent to a general doctor who then sent us for X-rays. It ended there in both hospitals. There’s an obvious lump and pain, and Lanna even marked and measured the obvious area of concern on their X-ray, then dismissed it. We are as confused as some of you appear to be as to what’s going on.
  2. Thanks for your contribution. My wife has a lump protruding from her chest, pain in the area when she’s breathes, and an X-ray from Lanna that has a specific area marked and measured (and they still dismissed it), and neither doctor will even explore it further. Ram’s doctor won’t even look at Lanna’s X-rays that clearly mark an issue (he claimed he couldn’t read them and sent us to make new ones). But yea, the problem is our attitude.
  3. Many have you left the same comment, so I’ll reply here regarding those comments. We have to first get an X-ray. That’s step one. There’s no specialist to go to yet as they don’t know where to send us. The problem then comes from when the X-rays are returned, we’re sent to a general doctor who simply dismisses the pain, the lump, and the mark on the X-ray. Ram didn’t even want to look at Lanna’s X-rays. They wanted new ones, which started with seeing a doctor who asked what the problem was. We explained. The doctor said “oh I can’t see this” when we gave him Lanna’s X-rays which is marked where the problem is (marked and measured by Lanna who still dismissed it). We don’t know who to ask for or what specialist here deals with this particular issue, thus the post here. We’ve thankfully not needed the hospitals here and obviously don’t know how to navigate them. It’s not like we know exactly what the issue is to request a specialist, that’s what we were hoping the general doctor would help us with. We only have some evidence of a problem and some ideas of what it may be.
  4. Walking into any hospital here lands you with a general doctor who doesn’t usually specialize in anything. We are trying to have a very specific problem looked at that we can’t get escalated past a general doctor. We’ve been to Ram and Lanna and got stonewalled with general doctors who not only couldn’t give us an answer, but wouldn’t help us figure out who to speak to or explore ways of digging deeper into the issue. We believe the issue is a chest wall tumor. Neither doctors we saw even knew what that was and flat out ignored the bulge showing in the X-ray. “No problem” they said, while ignoring the symptoms and the obvious area on the X-ray. We need to see an expert who will dig deeper and actually listen to what we’re saying to them. We’ve lived here a while but thankfully haven’t had to use medical facilities until now, and their lack of care has terrified us more than anything. We’re desperate and frustrated. Thank you.
  5. As the title says, anyone have any suggestions for safely removing an absurd amount of pigeon poo from a condo balcony? Due to the pandemic, I was going for quite a while and the pigeons moved it and let loose and ungodly amount of poo everywhere it could splat. I've never seen anything like it. It's even piled up in one area like a small hill. I don't have the ability to run a spray hose and I worry splashing buckets of water songkran style could end up with a bigger mess. Then there's the issue of disinfection. Bleach? I assume it can't be healthy to have that stuff sloshing about and I'd hate to start another pandemic from my condo balcony. Never had this big of an issue before. There isn't a clean cm on the entire balcony, including on the outside door handle.
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