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  1. This is best video out there ???? And ppl still say who said it stops spread and other things 3 years later ???? I lost my hope
  2. You both confused This ain't vaccines but mRNA injections. Vaccines stop infections in first place.
  3. You won't be up to date soon. Canadian health minister just announced jab every 9 months, and said you will never be fully vaccinated. Hows that not scratch head even for this vaccine supporters?
  4. Hi, what is needed to extend Non O visa for a year based on being parent, unmarried but got court parental rights paper. What form I need and where I can download it? There's things like photos in house and front of house is it? Photo at school too? What else I need to copy? Kid birth cert? House book? Everything need to be 2 x copies? 400k in bank acc? Be doing it at Jomtien. Any detailed info? Thank you
  5. That's false. There's no THC limits on flowers. 0.2% apply to extracts
  6. His 6 boosters didn't work?
  7. Yeh must be immortals invincible Our luck won't change at this point cuz we did everything opposite what we were told, we should be dead by now. Yet we going strong.
  8. What would u expect from a nation that believes in ghosts, pray to banana trees for lottery numbers etc. Thais are obidiend and they were conditioned and scared by media info warfare. I offten see Thais double masked common sight here. As well Thais that when they face me they immediately tighten that metal rode in mask around nose, involuntarily. Like there is no hole for COVID to get in common too. Body lang.
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