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  1. Thailand is actually a mash of ethnicities. Not as drastic is Myanmar but all sorts of peoples bleeding over the border. Cambodia is fairly ethnically pure. The Thai nation is barely older than the the first claims to European N America - and Chakri dynasty a few hundred as well. Need to get over themselves.
  2. Note that this is a first post. The OP took a contract in September is this an intentional school or a school that struggled to find teachers until Sept? International schools don't break in the period mentioned. Hmmm. Regardless, OP left and couldn't return and that's on the op. I vividly recall warning some morons at my school not to leave but they did and were locked out of the country. The government publically announced it's intentions and you went anyway. Then, complain and think about filing suits. Plain as <deleted> day it was. Move on. If you were a great teacher you wouldn't be moaning but no shortage of schools ringing your phone for work. It's always this way for the aggrieved, the suit filers... Sheet go get another job and why did you work for that cr*p school to begin with?
  3. I hate one drive and SharePoint and Outlook. Just had to say that. I'm relieved and feel much better now.
  4. Small bag of fried fire Cheetos.
  5. This might be the issue or something like it. Maybe you opened a document and it redirected to an app that wasn't licensed then when you go back to the licensed version it appears unlicensed. Try to log in again. If you never had a login it was probably unlicensed from day 1. Libre Office I'd read got a facelift but I never liked the interface. It got you by and the price was right but MS office is solid. I'd use Google docs before libre office myself.
  6. Not the same at all. One was a mass murderer who shot a bunch of people at once and it was done the other was a horrific serial killer that stalked, murdered young men, dismembered their bodies, froze them and ate them. How are the two even remotely the same?
  7. I think it was quite clever and original. The perfect Halloween meme. What or who could embody Halloween better? Ed Gein?
  8. Visit the DL the documents Study them a bit Be prepared with all your vital information Pay online or as I did bank draft (email embassy for x rate) Send by Thai Post Mine went post office to embassy and back to me in 12 days
  9. You don't understand. That is the game. When the game is over (your holleeday) you're supposed to pay the woman. It is UNDERSTOOD by all but total numbnutz. If you've actually fined her out of an establishment there is probably a daily bar fine to be paid if she plans on returning as well. I totally get that the attraction to the Thai prostitution scene is about a sweet, charming woman playing the gf you never had as opposed to the rough hookers in much of the world. Nevertheless, she is just that and needs to be paid. I've seen a few young guys walk away from women after weeks together because there wasn't anything negotiated in the initial phase of the *relationship*. Then, at the end the excuse is always... Well, she didn't ask for anything. WTFF planet are these people from? Planet Clueless and Planet Charlie.
  10. Ipod was epic despite DRM DRM is ridiculously stupid. I left apple computers Apple IIci os 2.5 Never looked back
  11. My flat lease only one name. Contrary to the notion that the landlord would have two responsible parties I believe they think it works the opposite. With two.. no one is ultimately responsible and what happens if one of the parties does a runner. Is the liability joint?
  12. As someone who had lived in Pattaya mostly in low season over a number of years in the 00s- yes.
  13. Would be great if they did much less. Clinton foundation is/was non profit. What's your point?
  14. Why keep these animals half alive only to aggravate the streets and bite children. Senseless to me.
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