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Everything posted by topswijaya

  1. Dear all, How many gram/kilogram gold can you bring with when entering or exiting Thailand? Can you easily sell Thai gold to gold shop in other countries? Thanks
  2. Dear all, What are the titles of these 4 songs in this youtube video? Thanks
  3. topical linocaine, viagra, some antidepressants have ejaculation delaying property, even making your penis unable to ejaculate at all.
  4. Dear all, How thin is apartment/ condominium wall? Can you hear adult activity from next door room? Thanks
  5. Dear all, Can you change from ed visa ( student visa) to marriage one in-country? Do you have to show at least THB 1 million when applying marriage visa? Thanks
  6. Dear all, Is it okay to tear the plastic wrapping of apartment/ condominium matress? It is kinda weird to sleep in bed with that thing
  7. Dear all, Some buses with the same route have different colours. Why?
  8. If you're a foreign woman, yes. If you're a foreign man, no. really? you must be joking
  9. Dear all, How long is the visa marriage for? After several years staying in Thailand on marriage visa, can you apply permanent residence? or citizenship? Thanks
  10. Why is it rare?
  11. Dear all, What is the step-by-step procedure for getting a marriage visa? Website? Thanks
  12. Dear all, How common is cohabitation between a Thai and a foreigner? Thanks
  13. I think that the vegetarian festivals arr held throughout the country and the most extreme one is held in Phuket and the less extreme one should also be held in Bangkok too. https://theculturetrip.com/asia/thailand/articles/everything-you-need-to-know-about-thailands-vegetarian-festival/ https://luxurychiangmai.com/do/vegetarian-festival-vegetarian-week/
  14. Why I ( and other foreigners/ tourists ) can't see this in Bangkok? Thanks
  15. Dear all, Is there a march like this one in Bangkok? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x8dMkSJji_I Thanks
  16. Thailand Thai currency deposit intetest rate : https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/FR.INR.RINR?locations=TH Thanks for all those answers
  17. What mean is how much the retail ( ordinary consumer) USD account interest rate in year 1997-1998 crisis in Thailand was? Could a ordinary foreigner have usd account ( not just Baht account) at Thai bank in Thailand in 1997-1998? Thanks
  18. Dear all, How much was the USD account interest rate in year 1997-1998 crisis? Thanks
  19. Dear all, Are Bangkok public swimming pools using automatic chlorination like the one in Singapore? https://www.channelnewsasia.com/watch/why-it-matters-cna/pee-our-public-pools-1570356 Thanks
  20. Dear all, Where can I buy Dihydrotestosterone (Andractim®) 2.5% gel for topical application? Thanks
  21. Dear all, Is it safe to take a night taxi in Bangkok? Thanks
  22. Swimming pool at Wachirabenchathat Park adopt a controversial policy ( dual pricing). Non thai : registration fee : 300. Pool use : 150
  23. Dear all, How many day in advance do you have to tell the apartment manager/ condominium owner if you want to move? Thanks
  24. Dear all, Can you refund or exchange things that you have bought at Big C, Makro, etc? Thanks
  25. Dear all, Is there a public swimming pool near Tao Poon MRT Station? Thanks
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