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Everything posted by AdrianUk

  1. the volenteer ambulance crews get 10%, so they take them to expensive hospitals, in other cases its a massive bill, that could have been avoided
  2. There are more pictures around with her lying on the floor outside
  3. This guy is a nice guy, but his lady has attacked him several times, clearly he had enough and pushed her away and she went through the window by the looks of it. He should have dumped her after the first attack. Too many beta males these days siding with women instantly, in the hope that they will reach out and profess their love towards them. Too many people quick to judge wishing people are harmed
  4. I have been to around 20 of them myself, but I find Little amsterdam easier to park and they have all the accessories and the weed is good also. The problem is there is too many now, not many will survive
  5. Many people including myself came to Thailand after that video was made! Now they want compensation, but they already had it!
  6. yes its 100% an advertorial, its a masterclass from voova. Trying to monitise this recent tragedy is a genius. My idea when I first heard this happening, is 1. Vans should be parked in the (rain proof) shade only. 2. Both driver and assistant should both be responsible for checking and signing 3. One of the office staff should check after all the vans are back - if a child is found the driver and assistant get sacked 4. Driver should leave doors unlocked and a window in the back open so they can shout out
  7. I would love to hear about this 3 hour magical course, they should provide the full video of him at this course and changes made.
  8. The Thai media later said that he was Indian and he had to pay 200,000 baht compensation, of course you don't have to pay that much legally, but people get scared into it. We need to see the butt grope to really judge, I think its totally wrong grabbing a ladies ass, but we do have to question, if he wasnt Indian, would she have called the police? Now that every Thai girl in Pattaya knows about this, will all the bubble butts be lined up tonight on walking street trying to get in the way of tourists?
  9. My UK passport expires in a few weeks, I live in Thailand. I need a renewal but the Britiish embassy are taking 11 weeks. If I fly to UK and do the 1 day speedy renewal, there is a 3-11 week wait for that also. There is no emergency appointments everytime I check. If I apply and stay in Thailand, I will get the passport many weeks after the expired one, any help from immigration regarding this? My Thai visa expires same date as my UK passport, which is 4 months short of the full year I should have had.
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