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Everything posted by bocaBob

  1. Famous last words. I suspect the DOJ and FBI are feeling that concept as well. But maybe Trump gets indicted sometime next year, well after thanksgiving when it's rumored Trump will announce his intention to run for office. They need to indict Trump before he announces or Trump wins again and YOU got nothing.
  2. Sounds like the witness got caught in a lie to FBI and agreed to come clean to avoid felony charge's for lying to the FBI.
  3. Sadly, I don't believe Garland has the spine to persue a Trump indictment, especially if they don't indict Hunter Biden. I do believe that a precursor to a Trump indictment is a Biden indictment. Got to have both, it's about image and public perception now given public mistrust in the DOJ & FBI.
  4. Still waiting for the document dispute to produce the goods, like you know some evidence, and evidence of a crime, perhaps an indictment. It's only been 20 or so months. How long does it take to figure this out.
  5. big difference between "sounds" and "is",
  6. ....changed their story, that sounds credible. See yah in court. "The witness reportedly first denied handling such documents, but switched stories in a second interview with federal agents, admitting to handling boxes of documents at Trump’s behest." The Hill
  7. The employee witness, who was not identified, told FBI agents that Trump directed his people to move boxes to his residence after a May subpoena from the government requested any remaining classified documents, the Post reported. Security footage allegedly confirmed that account. No video evidence mentioned and explain to me what is the big deal when people move boxes in their home? Maybe Trump should be arrested, charged with "box moving"?
  8. LOl...ok, but the Hill report does not say whats in the boxes the witness (after changing their story) says they moved to Mar-a-Lago, nor where the boxes came from. But be happy, it's another lame and laughable leak to the Post. This is amusing, and has become ridiculous when the regime players need to stoop to such low levels out of sheer desperation. Indictment watch.
  9. Sounds like a double slam dunk: 1. as in whats in the boxes, ie., Trumps medical and tax records, secret recipes, no mention of whats in the boxes. Why not? & *2. "The witness reportedly first denied handling such documents, but switched stories in a second interview with federal agents, admitting to handling boxes of documents at Trump’s behest." Another leak to the WAPO, it never ends. Big news/big leak: "Trump has Mar-a-Lago records at his home in Mar-a-Lago". *Source for item 2: The Hill
  10. Some noteworthy and suspicious events have cast the obvious suspicions on the Biden families business activities. Without oversight scrutiny corruption festers and spreads. Investigation of Hunter and the Biden's involved will provide critical answers! "Hunter Biden’s closest business partner made at least 19 visits to the White House and other official locations between 2009 and 2015, including a sitdown with then-Vice President Joe Biden in the West Wing." https://nypost.com/2022/04/23/joe-biden-met-with-hunter-biden-business-partner-at-the-white-house/ Video reference: MSN_fox https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/hunter-biden-business-partner-made-8-additional-white-house-visits-in-2016-visitor-logs-show/ar-AAWCGEH
  11. Transparency, truth, facts, it should be a priority for all. Surely you don't have a problem with the truth? Joe Biden is an elected govt official working for the people and owes nothing less than full transparency to the people. If a prima facia case of the Biden pay for play scheme is brought forth during congressional oversight investigations of Hunter Biden, people have right to know.
  12. Unless Biden can prove someone forcibly stuck a crack pipe full of crack into his mouth and forced him against his will to get high by smoking crack or some other drug, then maybe, but voluntary intoxication is not a defense to a criminal offense as is "ignorance" is also not a defense. He will likely plead guilty, pay fines, home confinement, something like that.
  13. Joe Biden defends son Hunter when asked about his troubles and Republican attacks https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/joe-biden-defends-hunter-biden-son-troubles-gop-scrutiny All good here according to Biden.
  14. Way behind the current status. Proven as false. MSNBC, CNN intelligence pundits who called Hunter Biden laptop ‘Russian disinformation’ yet to correct record https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-msnbc-intelligence-pundits-insisted-hunter-bidens-laptop-russian-disinformation
  15. Reference to the Washington Examiner seems acceptable here.
  16. ok, if you insist. I can help you out a little here. House Republican says Treasury won't hand over Hunter Biden documents unless Democrats join request https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hunter-biden-treasury-documents/ "Committee Republicans are investigating whether this change in longstanding policy is motivated by efforts to shield Hunter Biden and potentially President Biden from scrutiny," Comer wrote. Comer's May letter cited a CBS News report that more than 150 financial transactions involving the global business affairs of either Hunter Biden or the president's brother James Biden were flagged as concerning by U.S. banks for further review. Large wire transfers were among the transactions flagged. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/newspolitics/house-republican-says-treasury-won-t-provide-hunter-biden-s-financial-docs/ar-AAZhrTn The good news is, all this slow-walking will end after a GOP congress commences their investigations (complete with subpoena powers) into the suspected Biden corruption. These 150 suspicious/flagged international wire transfer records will be obtained, dissected and reported to the public. Real simple, and real effective.
  17. Hunter Biden has a potential defense to felony firearms indictment that he may use. DOJ fears Hunter Biden could use past drug addiction as defense in gun case "Federal prosecutors who are weighing whether to bring charges against Hunter Biden for tax crimes and making a false statement to purchase a gun are reportedly concerned that the drug addiction that makes one case for them could provide a defense in the other." https://nypost.com/2022/10/07/prosecutors-fear-hunter-biden-could-use-past-drug-addiction-as-defense/ Peculiar and seemingly daft way to craft criminal defense strategy as voluntary intoxication is not defense where I come from.
  18. Wray: Allegations ‘troubling’ about FBI agent covering up Hunter Biden information https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/04/fbi-thibault-cover-up-hunter-biden-information-00049922
  19. Just more proof of the regime media covering up for the Bidens. Jim Jordan et al will get the evidence sorted starting January 2023. Hunter is merely a pawn in this entire scenario, nobody cares about his. The Biden family is being targeted. The GOP will bring forward any evidence discovered during the planned, televised open investigations.
  20. Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/HSGAC_Finance_Report_FINAL.pdf
  21. "Most voters suspect the news media buried the Hunter Biden story until after the election and think there’s a good chance that new President Biden was involved in his son’s overseas dealings." https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections/election_2020/most_think_media_hid_hunter_biden_story_before_election_day
  22. Biden caught on hot mic in FL saying "no one <deleted> with a BIDEN" (except KSA) Biden, your American savior! https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/saudi-arabia-lowers-oil-prices-for-europe-but-raises-them-again-for-the-us-as-white-house-says-opec-2b-is-siding-with-russia/ar-AA12Ftoj forget it Joe, the world is laughing at you as they pass by you.
  23. "IEA warns Europe must cut gas consumption immediately Energy agency urges governments to cap air conditioning use and start auctioning gas to industry." https://www.ft.com/content/0b42d3c8-e5ab-4be7-ae1c-1b973e0f47d5 LOL.... PUTIN schooling the West, when will they learn.
  24. What do you mean? It is the democratic election process in America. I don't think the constitution precludes your version of an idiot from running for office.
  25. Ok, enough off topic. I suggest gravitating back to the topic here: that "Trump led and directed effort to overturn 2020 election". Or, is the interest waning now? does anyone know when the next episode of the hearing airs?
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