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Everything posted by Padthaigoong

  1. Family of four on a motorbike with no helmets still ok ?
  2. I would actually recommend the one I went to but I don't think it would be prudent to name it now. I don't blame her, the masseuse, I think it's just my physiology that caused it and I am curious to know how that works. I also don't feel there is any lasting damage beyond a few days of discomfort. I would be more concerned if there was any issue affecting my vertebrae rather than a muscle.
  3. Hopefully yes but in the meantime it hurts.
  4. The first thing she said when I yelped in pain was " Why you not tell me ? "
  5. I'll never forget, while in Hua Hin one of them got up and walked on my back. I was lucky to get away with that one Not a buffalo I hasten to add, the masseuse.
  6. Thank you for spotting that Lou. She was of course a masseuse.
  7. Lets all hope cialis doesn't get dragged into this deletedfest.
  8. That seems to tally with what I have experienced. Interesting that you had it treated in hospital is there a name for this condition ?
  9. Correct, Cambodia has dropped all Covid entry requirements. https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/cambodia/entry-requirements
  10. I had my first proper oil massage for three years yesterday , no funny business, I wanted a proper health massage. So I am lying on the table and she starts to press down on my back with the flat of her hand as they do. This usually produces a few crackles as your joints feel the pressure and I am accustomed to that. Then suddenly there was three loud pops and I jumped up in surprise and quite startled as I felt the pain. This wasn't the usual small pops and crackles you get, it came from my pectoral muscle when she pressed down on that area from behind. Afterwards it ached just like a pulled muscle and that's exactly what I think it is but I would really like to know from anyone who has experienced the same thing or knows how and why this happens. It did actually happen to me once before about 15 years ago and strangely I had previously experienced a discomfort in that pectoral muscle and that pop seemed to cure it as if some knot in the muscle is released. After the feeling of the pulled muscle lasted for a few days and once that had gone it felt much better which is what I expect to happen this time. I am interested to know if anyone else has experienced the same thing and what the mechanics of it are. Is it just a knotted area of muscle being forced to release by the pressure put on it. I must say it seems a good thing to release it if that is the case.
  11. I'm beginning to see a pattern emerge. Are we witnessing the dawn of a lesbian conspiracy to keep red blooded males from entering the country.
  12. You make a valid point. lol I have to say in my defence I have been jetlagged and bumbling around losing track of which day I am on. I went for a walkabout on Saturday night at least I think it was Saturday and I asked one of the promotion staff what time they closed and they said midnight so perhaps that's why I became confused.
  13. Might spoil a few people Saturday night out when they suddenly find everything closing around them at midnight on Saturday. Still it's good to be reminded that there's more to life than booze and hookers.
  14. I arrived two days ago and I purposefully lined up at the only queue with a male IO. Low and behold as I reached his position he went to lunch and a dragon took his place However after almost three years, a new passport, no visa and a return flight dated 6 months later the only question she asked was. " How long are you staying in Thailand ? " I replied 30 days and continued on my way with a 45 day stamp. I did have a genuine one way ticket to Yangon within 30 days just in case and I wasn't quized about that at Heathrow either so that was £43 wasted And yes I know I could have purchased a ticket at Onward Ticket far cheaper but I felt better having a legit one for peace of mind.
  15. Fantastic ! Spray me all over baby.
  16. Obviously hasn't taken the " Show the farang who's boss around here " course yet.
  17. Yep, A day late and a pound short.
  18. The Gov.uk foreign travel advice website is still saying Thailand requires proof of vaccination or a negative test. https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/thailand/entry-requirements
  19. If it makes them happy I will put one on just to let them know I am part of the gang. And then pull it down under my chin like everyone else does.
  20. It would be the second visa exempt but only the first via a land border. So you would be allowed one more visa exempt over land in that calendar year.
  21. They have never uttered a word to me in more than 25 trips. Admitedly most of those were with a tourist visa. I would be interested to hear what kind of remarks they have made to you.
  22. " Foreigners who are afflicted with chronic alcoholism will be forbidden from taking residence in the country " Ahem.
  23. Does that mean no more testing for the unvaccinated ?
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