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  1. I live in Isaan out in the boonies. All the things have been bought and paid. Nothing to really spend any money on. No complaints, have a good wife, best buddie! I can travel, so that breaks up the monotony. But the good thing is, I have a lot of family support from a large clan, no one really ever messes with me. I never understand why people make their own choices in life, then bitch about everything? I think there are 2 types of foreigners here, a few that tell the whole truth and the majority who never do. I think if you could factually break it down, those that don't tell the truth probably slugged their way through life in some kind of educated meanial job?
  2. I bet in this economy in Thailand it hasn't gone up at all. Keep dreaming. Thai properties depreciate, not appreciate And no Thai wants to buy a second hand house.
  3. Do you honestly think every single person that comes into Thailand is going to have the same experience as you? Good grief!
  4. Mortgage trap? It is called appreciation. I could sell our house in the US for $700,000 now. Was bought for $200,000. 2400 square feet, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 3 car garage on 1 acre. All paid for. US $700,000 at 38 baht to the dollar = 26,600,000 baht Now if you spent 65,000 baht a month in Thailand, that money would last you ~34 years How is that for a mortgage trap? At 65,000 baht a month, that mortage trap would last you 34 years living in Thailand We could get 95,000 - 114,000 baht a month to rent it but we dont
  5. Mortgage trap? It is called appreciation. I could sell our house in the US for $700,000 now. Was bought for $200,000. 2400 square feet, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 3 car garage on 1 acre. All paid for. US $700,000 at 38 baht to the dollar = 26,600,000 baht Now if you spent 65,000 baht a month in Thailand, that money would last you ~34 years How is that for a mortgage trap? At 65,000 baht a month, that mortage trap would last you 34 years living in Thailand We could get 95,000 - 114,000 baht a month to rent it but we dont
  6. Anyone that has earned a high dollar retirement probably did something their entire lives to earn it. Just saying.
  7. How do like the air pollution and massive traffic?
  8. There are places in the US where houses have appreciated US $300,000+ in the past couple years. That appreciation would pay for ~15 years in Thailand at 65,000 baht a month How much has your Thai house appreciated?
  9. 100% spot on though the majority will never admit it.
  10. Does it make a difference if you can afford it?
  11. Yes it will and T-Mobile has free international texting.
  12. Tourism Authority will claim it is 100% safe. Please come to Thailand!
  13. How do they know they were brand name clothes and not counterfeits?
  14. Ever thought about getting yourself a pet or a friend? Or 1 of each?
  15. What a wild hypothetical guess. Many just get plain run over if you understand Thailand.
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