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Everything posted by KIngsofisaan

  1. Pitching his own interest, same as all Youtubers. His list starting with the most expensive are not even close to what CNN recommends According to CNN 2022: The world's most expensive cities for 2022 | CNN Travel The world's most expensive cities 1. Hong Kong 2. New York 3. Geneva 4. London 5. Tokyo 6. Tel Aviv 7. Zurich 8. Shanghai 9. Guangzhou 10. Seoul International Living has a different list of the cheapest as well Cheapest Places to Live in the World in 2022 - International Living And yet another 30 of the cheapest cities to live in 30 Cheapest Cities in the World To Live In | GOBankingRates
  2. Mike, Mike, Mike Why do you always comment on something you have zero experience with? Isaan special ganga soup! People in Isaan have been growing ganga and eating it all kind of dishes for as long as I can remember. Maybe you should to get away from civilization a little more.
  3. The Real Estate Witch? Come on man, a real well known trustworthy new source The lady that wrote this article has 1 year experience out of college and NONE in finance and no degree in finance or economics. She posted no footnotes to actual references. Before joining the Clever team, Taelor graduated with her bachelor's in May of 2021. During her undergraduate career, she worked simultaneously as both a section manager for her university newspaper and a research assistant, writing across genres and researching a variety of topics. Education: B.S. Cultural Anthropology, Minor in Linguistics, Summa Cum Laude — Utah State University
  4. No you haven't been building houses out in the 40c sun for 10 years, sorry. It might have taken you 10 years to do some simple building project others could do in a couple days (as shown) You have shown 1 simple project Pretty arrogant of you to compare that to someone who spends their entire life out in the direct sun cutting crops Not sure how laying tile indoors is the same thing? Odd thing is there is no photos of you doing anything?
  5. I think you are confusing countries where folks know how to driver responsibly with Thailand; where they don't.
  6. Let's all pray they leave plenty of space for the animals and not squish them into tiny cages.
  7. As far as being lazy, lets see you and your wife survive this for one 10 hour day when it is 40c outside!
  8. Do you really think these folks can afford to travel? Man, so many people have no idea how many people in rural Isaan actually have to live like this and are lucky to eat each day.
  9. No action by third date? What were you hanging on to?
  10. Revisit the Top 10 Supermodels in the world and tell us how many are fat?
  11. Deliverance comes to mind? Do you like in Alabama?
  12. When you quote percentages as facts, please have a verifiable source Thank you.
  13. Because my opinions do not match yours, does not make them strange. It makes them my own. You have any idea how many heavy trucks crash in Isaan each week, where the driver is on drugs and not alcohol? Probably not Mike.
  14. You can enjoy life just fine without being a whoremonger and a drunk.
  15. Agreed. The question was how they made it to retirement with nothing but a state pension. The other issues are possible reasons why. In my career field, when I retired, some people had already accumulated over US $1,000,000+ in 401K and IRA's, add in company pensions and max social security because they planned for it. They are doing just fine in retirement. I never liked having 401k deductions taken out of my check, however they were company matched and I knew exactly the ramifications if I did not save. Years and years went by with friends driving expensive cars, boats, etc. All my extra money went straight into the 401k. I knew right from the get go that the company pension and social security was not going to get me through retirement. I spent the last 20 years paying into the 401k and IRA's to make sure I would not have any financials worries in retirement Some folks spent all that money enjoying life with fancy toys, getting drunk, blowing it all. No knock on them for enjoying life. That just wasn't an option for me. Getting to retirement financially stable was much more important to me than an expensive car, boat or anything else
  16. One year. If the contractor is worth his weight, he should have no problem with a one year guarantee And that guarantee need to be very explicit about who is responsible for labor and materials. If no problems within 1 year, you are good to go. A common warranty in the US is the 2-10 warranty. 2 years on anything that does not include structure. 10 years warranty on the structure (roof etc)
  17. Of course it does. Look at the cost of life from your age 20 to 30, 30 to 40 and 40 to 50? By age 50 or even earlier, a person should have been asking themselves, how much am I going to need to retire? Then do something about it. By the time they get to age 60, they should have a much clearer idea how much they need for retirement. So, for those folks that didn't have enough and still retired early to Thailand because they thought they had it all figured out? They simply did not. Why in the world would you retire early in that case and bind yourself up financially for the rest of your golden years? Was the lure of young women to great to wait a few more years to shore up their finances? These folks are all victims of their OWN decisions Some folks are smart enough to place their financial security in their golden years, aboving moving to Thailand and chasing 20 year olds around. Yet time and and time again, we read many comments that some folks are just not that smart? Retirement has a heavy cost, no matter where you live. If you never planned for it, guess what? It is just not the cost of living, daily expenses, etc. Sooner or later we will all hit that age when there is a major medical emergency. No one lives forever
  18. I suspect with tourism in the tank the past 2 years and not rebounding as robust as the government is predicting, legalizing the sale of marijuana is just another money grab. Hotels, restuarants, bars, tourist places all suffering. No money coming in. Marijuana is the great white elephant many Thai's will think they will get rich off. I think the mindset is on the money, not on any ill-effects from the drug itself It also appears some companies, had an advanced notice this was going to be legalized, as evidence of all their commercial packaging, displays and distribution in place one day after the legal announcement. Makes you wonder who own companies such as Greenlab? Greenlab is recruiting investors on their website but no mention of who owns it or who is on the board of directors?
  19. In Thailand, it is still too early to tell how many will wiped out while driving stoned. With the widespread amount of pot and the legalization of such, my feeling is sooner or later, their will be terrible accidents involving large trucks driven by stoners It is only a matter of time
  20. 38KM from even the nearest 7/11 No stores, no restaurants, no nothing Only farmland Shows from your comment, once again, you have limited knowledge outside of the city
  21. As I have mentioned numerous times, my wife inherited most of that land Why do you feel compelled to comment? Are you that jealous? Never worry about what another man has or does not have Worry about yourself
  22. No I didn't miss the point Everyone knew that well known fact their entire working lives and if that is ALL a person planned on saving, that is their own fault Most folks have a good 45 year working life to figure out how much retirement will cost (I guess from this post though, many did not figure it out)?
  23. So what? You jealous? Most of it was hers from inheritence She also has her name on our western house Again, so what? You see, some people are just simply NOT stupid enough to marry someone they think they cannot get a long with the rest of their lives. If you have a problem with your wife owning everything, that is all on you We were married a long time before you ever knew where Thailand was on a map Imagine that?
  24. All your troubles were brought on by you. If you wanted to retire early to the thirld world, that is all on you If you didn't think the financial world would get more expensive the past 20 years and the baht fluctuates? That is all on you 55,000 is hardly an amount I would move to Thailand and think I was safe
  25. Maybe your philosophy is why you got divorced while many others are married 25+ years
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