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Everything posted by KIngsofisaan

  1. Maybe it is because all the generals are taking the younger ones!
  2. The company is a lot less boring than the game itself
  3. Bashing a goose with your putter...... My god man, where did you get THAT cannabis?
  4. I find selecting your own cute, chirpy, Thai caddy the highlight of a round of golf in Thailand.
  5. Chevy had an electric car a fews years ago and stopped production. Now folks batteries are wearing out and there are NO replacements. You can't predict everything!
  6. Thank you very much!
  7. You have asked all the right questions and you have a good reason to be uncomfortable. Making a move to Thailand under these shaky circumstances is not recommended. No signed contract means nothing legally binding. If they are footing the bill to bring you here, you might be right, they might be looking for a local? It is certaintly not like the first world, where you do get a signed contract and a guarantee. Protect yourself at ALL costs. I would wonder which school and if they can afford and make a practice of bringing in teachers from overseas or not? If not, watch out. IF you really want to live in Thailand and can afford to make the move and survive until you have a job, you can probably find a teaching job somewhere. Would not recommend with limiting funding though.
  8. Thank you for all the information. Agree with being walking distance from the surf, small cafes, shops, etc would be ideal.
  9. Good of you to get involved. Too bad this doesn't happen every time someone really needs help and truthful answers
  10. Submarines solve the #1 problem in Thailand. Putting corruption money in their own pockets!
  11. For some reason all the topics are grayed out except the cannabis forum. Sent in a trouble ticket, never heard back
  12. What beach area of Phuket is not over touristy?
  13. I am looking for recommendations for a town anywhere in Thailand with the following: 1. On the sea 2. Not overly touristy 3. Clean town and beaches 4. Hospital 5. ability to walk around to shops and restaurants 6. Non hostile Thai people to seniors 7. tropical beach environment Just a good place to spend the last years in a good place (not concerned with nightlife) Is there such a place? Thank you.
  14. Looking for a rough estimate for medical insurance age 70 to 80 and 80 to 90. Peferrably international companies you have personal experience with. Thank you.
  15. According to the latest headlines, the nephew is a mental case. Better wait for the full story before posting sensationalist news stories
  16. Growing up in Florida, rip currents were an everyday occurance. People not use to swimming in the ocean are usually not aware what to do and panic. The fear comes from people thinking they will be pulled miles out to sea and trying to swim back to shore against the rip, which tires them out and drowns them. The reality is the rip pull is usually less than 100 meters from shore before it spits you out. The key is to not panic mentally when you first get pulled from the shore. You can float and even deadman float and will be out of the pull in no time. When you are out of the pull, swim horizontal to the beach, where incoming waves will assist to push you back to the shore These signs are posted at all beaches in Florida, but most people that grew up near the sea know this and do not fear rip currents. No ocean in Isaan so need to fear rip currents! Water Buffalo yes, rips no! ????
  17. Why in the world would you volunteer to pay Thai tax on foreign earned income?
  18. As mentioned Educational Studies in NOT THE SAME as a BA in Education/Teaching! The chances of getting 45,000 with no hassle is very, very slim with no experience. Sure you can get a job for 30,000 at a rural school or teaching center, however that throws you right into the middle of what you are trying to avoid.
  19. As mentioned Educational Studies in NOT THE SAME as a BA in Education/Teaching! The chances of getting 45,000 with no hassle is very, very slim with no experience. Sure you can get a job for 30,000 at a rural school or teaching center, however that throws you right into the middle of what you are trying to avoid.
  20. Your business cannot offer you a work permit unless you employ 4 Thai's.
  21. Your business cannot offer you a work permit unless you employ 4 Thai's.
  22. There are probably some places you would be safe, but Thailand won't be one of them. The world population will pay the price someday for idiotic decisions made because someone did not get their way. What is happening in the Ukraine is a travesty and even worse, the world sends weapons and think they are doing enough. Sad to see so many innocent people killed that could care less about politics. Politics it the biggest killer in the history of the world.
  23. Only comes later to idiots who don't understand who they are getting married to or if they treat their wives like slaves. Ask anyone married over 20 years how it works if you don't know or understand.
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