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Everything posted by KIngsofisaan

  1. Why post? Because I can. Pretty simple if you understand what a forum is for?
  2. Ugly women + ugly tourist = match made in heaven!
  3. You my tourist friend, are the mechanism how these hard working Thai's recoup their income from the last 2 years of no tourist income COVID times. Please give generously and support the local communities with a smile on your face!
  4. Why travel all the way to Thailand and complain things are pricey?
  5. Why travel all the way to Thailand and complain things are pricey?
  6. There is no denying an actual murder is there?
  7. There is no accountable ever, where there is money to be made.
  8. Buying belts versus earning belts is one way to keep the parents paying.
  9. This has never happened in the history of the country!
  10. What exactly did you expect from a third world prison? People that are stupid enough to think they can get away with breaking the law in third world countries, got exactly what they deserved. I ask once again? Is Thailand really all that? So someone would move and break the law just to live there? Not to me, not one bit
  11. Looks like she was thrown in jail. You are not suggesting Thailand is not so amazing and did something wrong?
  12. Thai's sure don't drive calmer than westerners!
  13. Bad girls are habitual liars.
  14. There is zero guarantee this would work for everyone. Is there any medical science behind this?
  15. How many people on this forum are smart enough to move to Thailand, smart enough to get married, not so smart to get divorced (6 months) and have no idea how to use the internet to look up things for themselves?
  16. Learn how to read. This is not my post! Ask the guy that started the post Just trying to stir up trouble because you have nothing better to do
  17. Will Thailand use it's subs to aid China in an invasion of Taiwan?
  18. We know it takes money to live in Thailand. We know it takes a visa to live in Thailand. We know it takes a work permit to live in Thailand.
  19. When I read stories such as these, I always ask myself, is Thailand really worth it? To break the law and risk going to prison for an excessive amount of years just to live in Thailand? At bet at her age, she now wishes she had never heard of Thailand.
  20. auto duplicated post after slow loading
  21. Sure there are exceptions, but if the girl speaks English she generally doesn't want a farang who can speak Thai. No clue in the entire world how you ever came up with this?
  22. If you cannot make future decisions with your wife at least 50/50, then you either picked the wrong woman, or are some kind of control freak that is worried about losing something? My wife can make ALL the decisions. Less for me to worry about. I trust her judgement the exact same as I trust my own, maybe even more at times.
  23. I never said I was not completely satisified with my relationship. The complete opposite, that is why I do what I do. Maybe men should find a woman they actually love and get along with regardless of which country she comes from?
  24. It happened and that is that. I am exactly where I want to be and with who I want to be with. Extremely happy with the way things turned out. When people sell out for the wrong reasons, male or female, kharma usually sees they get what they deserve. Every once in a while, thinks actually work out. Is she the lucky one or me? I feel pretty lucky so that is plenty good enough for me!
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