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  1. Also keep in mind that some people may claim to be police when they are not, especially with expats so the legality might not really matter for whatever they're up to.
  2. well, it may depend on you're definition of "affordable" - it's never really cheap in my opinion. Good advice from thehammer re: things that can be affected by the conditions on the boat and considering what you truly need to take with you. The only time I shipped anything by ship I used Three Movers and didn't have any problems. It does take some time so be sure to budget for that if you plan to have your items arrive when you do.
  3. Haha my thoughts exactly!
  4. Yes yes yes. Every night all night long. At this point I need the noise and breeze just to fall asleep I think.
  5. I didn't realize there was a limit on sperm donation. 23 does seem excessive though.
  6. Good for them. We need some sanity in an increasingly crazy world.
  7. That's pretty much it. Angry, uninformed white lady.
  8. Sounds like his education didn't stick to his brain.
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