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  1. One major problem with DEI is that the tools (DEI) became the objectives, time and effort is spent on the tools, not the real organization objectives. which became secondary or tertiary. The next thing to get rid of is ESG which is a giant step on the road to slavery.
  2. What if one is over the 180 day threshold and the only income (aside from untaxable Social Security) is a U.S. government pension which the DTA says is not taxable in Thailand. Is it still mandatory to register and file?
  3. https://fintechnews.sg/97066/digitalassets/bank-of-thailand-to-test-programmable-payments-in-enhanced-sandbox/ What is more likely to happen is that the Central Bank will implement their programmable Central bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and once that is done the controllers will be able to do as they please with our money. There needs to be a law that bans the Central Bank from even offering a CBDC in any form to individuals. And for those who think that they do nothing to be punished, they should ask themselves what happens if a not very friendly government takes power? Maybe expats will be exempted, but the goal of the globalists is a single world programmable digital currency from which no one will be exempt if they get their way. A one world programmable CBDC linked to digital IDs and ESG behavioral scoring spell slavery, no privacy at all and no freedom.
  4. The article appears on many web sites. Do a web search for Thailand could be cashless by 2028 and pick the site you prefer. Or click here: https://freespoke.com/search/web?q=Thailand+could+be+cashless+by+2028&utm_source=opensearch
  5. How true. All it takes is one greedy, tyrannical government, add in digital IDs, a behavioral scoring system to make sure the peasants are in compliance, and then link the two to a programmable centrally controlled digital currency and presto - each and every person immediately becomes a lifetime slave of whoever is controlling the system at that moment in time. Millions of surveillance devices will ensure that few if any escape and that all goods are trackable and traceable. But surely slavery is preferable to slower transactions and inconveniences until the day you are no longer permitted to access anything at all, and no government will ever be that evil. (//sarc off//
  6. Only a temporary win, since 45 million now have a DigitalID, the first step to a CBDC. Will it be a programmable CBDC? A June 12th 2024 article in Fintech News Singapore says Yes: "Bank of Thailand to Test Programmable Payments in Enhanced Sandbox" Excerpt: "The new project will test programmable payments, which use technology to automatically set transaction conditions for goods and services, offering a variety of applications with proper risk management processes." The article does not get specific on what "transaction conditions" are, but it most likely means that whoever or whatever does the programming will be inputting such conditions as limiting purchases, limiting sales, limiting volume of purchases and/or sales. The people will be told what they can and cannot buy, IOW quotas for everything for everyone (except the elites, of course). Over-buying and/or over-selling will be either denied and/or punished. You can be denied anything without recourse. Massive numbers of surveillance devices can be used to monitor everyone. Programmable CBDCs will provide the means to enslave entire populations. Will the "proper risk management processes" be initially benign, and even if they are, how long will it be before a present or future government decides it wants total and absolute power. Or will it be the programmers who grab the power (thanks for that thought big brother)? One possible mitigation is to make a law that the Central Bank is prohibited from offering CBDCs to individuals.
  7. Worse, depopulation will be much worse.
  8. Digital IDs are the first step to enslavement of the entire nation (except the elites, naturally). Looks like harryviking beat me to it, so I will just add this: in a totalitarian society where everyone is surveilling everyone else, not even the elites are safe - only some of those who will control the AI algorithms will be the real rulers.
  9. Anything as long as it gets more people sucked into signing up for a digitalID.
  10. Didn't mean to imply that Thailand would be at any particular place in the queue. There are a number of countries ahead of Thailand, like Communist China and some African countries. Becoming slaves to the globalists is a worldwide race, but not all countries are working hard at it or talking about it. The digital wallet is a ploy, a con to get people to volunteer to sign up for a digitalID. People will join and tell others how convenient it is (and it is likely to be very fast and convenient), but the concept will be sold to the public without the cons. I believe there is a target number after which the volunteering will be over and everyone will be forced by any means to participate or lose access to all finances. The part that should scare everyone is the "programmable" preceding CBDC. It means that CBDC money can be programmed to expire if not used by a certain date, that trying to spend money that the controllers deem unacceptable can result in lost ESG points, auto-deduction of money from your accounts , frozen accounts, or even deleted accounts.
  11. Yes, including depopulation of most of humanity, which may seem impossible, but when people become slaves that all changes. Seems that most people prefer to play ostrich, and are either oblivious or do not understand that creating awareness is the first step to stop the insanity. It would be a good start if there were laws that banned any organization from imposing a CBDC on any individual.
  12. No problem. The government will just make it legal to misuse the information. DigitalIDs are the first step in the globalist plan to gain total control of the people. Link behavioral scoring like ESG (as the CCP is using in Chjna) to the DigitalIDs, then link both to a programmable central bank digital currency (CBDC) and Presto! Instant slavery enforced by millions of surveillance devices. This is the goal and it is underway now. This is why the people should reject Digital IDs, ESG and and especially CBDCs.
  13. Looks like another step to implementing a Central Bank Digital Currency that will be used for enslavement.
  14. I'd call it Step 3. Here's why: Step 1: Assignment of digital UDs to every person on earth, and this is being done in increments by country. Step 2: Assignment of a behavioral (like ESG) score to every human. Again, this is being done in increments by country. Step 3: Link 1. and 2. above with the CBDC. If the first 2 are implemented, it will likely be too late to stop, Steps 1 and 2 are underway. Digital IDs" Bill Gates Demands 'Digital ID' for 'Every Human on Earth' - News Addicts ESG status: ESG Index - 174 Countries 174 scores (risk-indexes.com) CBDC status: Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Tracker (cbdctracker.org)

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