What's the consensus on riding a motorbike (650cc) from Bangkok to Hua Hin? I live between the two, and commute weekly. I don't have to travel at rush hour / peak times / weekends / at night. And I've read a fair few 'wouldn't do it' along with an equal number of 'fine if you're careful'. Having a car in Bangkok isn't viable, so am considering using the bike instead, as the bus just doesn't cut it in terms of flexibility / freedom of choice, and the train...well, of those that know, it's a gruelling 5hr slog (& thats's without delays). I get that it's a risk - isn't it always? so what makes the difference between 'yeah but be sensible' and 'woah, wouldn't risk it'? Is it solely a case of personal choice, b'cos trying to get useful, informative input seems like a constant dilemma of reading between (narrow) lines...