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Posts posted by s.pylos

  1. im doing this visa run in janurary, about the 9th or 10th i believe.

    from what ive heard, its 10 hours on a bus from bangkok to the ferry crossing.

    then spend about 9 hours between queing at immigration and refreshing in the hotels etc...

    then 10 hours back.

    the company im going with charge 1700 baht for the trip.

    but that doesnt include the visa fee or the hotels.

    not 100% sure if im going to do it..

    can anyone reccommend an easier option? i dont want to fly or spend much more money.

    concidering there is myself AND my foreign girlfriend going to do the visa.

    we need the 60 day tourist with extension!

    school is sorting out the paper work to convert them into non imm b and paper work..

    Let's see, this was something you posted previously:

    i still dont see why this is such a huge problem...

    i think they are right to do what they plan to do.

    if your legally here, then fine. show your work permit, visa etc.

    people who are here legally will have everything they need.

    people who are here illegally then you deserve what you get for doing what you do.

    most people here when they are back in their own country's probably didnt like all the immigrants in their own country...

    look at the uk... do you agree with whats going on there??


    well your doing the exact same as them over here...

    in the end, if they do enforce it, ( prays they do ) then the people here legally with permits, visa's etc will reap the benefits.

    i cant wait for teacher wages to go up when there is a shortage of teachers...

    myself and my farang girlfriend are more than laughing at this scenario...

    sitting on a years permit, and a 3 year contract i dont see what we need to worry about.

    apart from going with the highest bidder to hire us.

    Now it seems that you are actually working here illegally without a work permit or teacher's license :o

    If you're not going until January, why can't your school get you the paperwork needed for a non-immigrant B visa by then? It's not that difficult.

    Caught read handed !!! First time I read something really funny on thai visa!

    First they came for the visa runner... you know the song....


  2. Hi Sceadugenga

    My passport was new but I took the old one with me which had expired 4th December which had a non-immigrant “O” which by now had expired as I did not transfer my extension of stay within the permitted time.

    I had no problem getting the visa as I had provided the right paperwork but the consulate asked to see the original marriage certificate and also the wife’s original birth certificate.

    He also asked me where my wife was born and how many years we had been married.

    The six other persons on the visa run were all giver single entry Tourist Visa with no problems.

    The advantage of Savannakhet is getting the visa the same day so that you are out of Thailand only for a few hours.

    Good luck on the 26th

    What About your Lao Visa? Did you get it on arrival or did you do it before hand?

    (or maybe I missed that in your post..)


  3. they expect that much because the thai baht is inflatted way over valued I can't wait until it comes crumbling down when you will get 50 or 60 baht to one USD and it will happen they tell you it the speculators driving the baht up that is a big B/S lie it BKK bank that proping up the thai baht when Thailand can't export no more and they have to pay the imports with the usd or brit pound because they wont trust the thai baht any more you will see it crumbling down the old saying what go up must come down and i am not transferring any more than I have to I rest my case

    You may be confused.. with a Baht reaching sky levels, foreigners are getting less for their money and Thailand is becoming more expensive.... If the baht goes down that can only be good for tourism! When I was in Vietnam recently it was cheaper to pay in dollars than in Baht!

    The future of the Baht is still to go up and some expect you might get only 35 Baht for a US Dollars... There are are some speculations going on but it might be that the Baht if becoming a strong regional currency.


    Edit sp.

  4. How about another possibility--a totally conscious man single-handedly fighting the absurd feudalism.

    As a American in my country we have idiots who spray paint every thing I don't think this idiot realized what he was doing I hope H.M the King forgives him and Thailand deports him and never let him back in Thailand we all know that was a very stupid thing to do but 15 years I think it a little to harsh but of course he should be forced to pay all damages done by his childish prank

    Can one gets 15 years for painting over H.M GW Bush in the US?

    I knew they were hard in Giztmo, but that hard !!!



  5. its pathetic , its third world and it seriously diminishes thailands reputation around the world.

    Considering the reputation that drunken Brits and British football hooligans have around the world, I would say Thailand is still ahead.

    As usual, someone has fabricated a one-sided explanation of what "must"have happened and the message board court has weighed this "evidence" and found the Thai guilty and the white man a blameless innocent victim.

    Of course, if a farang kills or injures a Thai, it's immediately assumed the farang was provoked and his reaction was reasonable.

    It's pathetic, it's British and it seriously confirms Britain's reputation around the world.

    Well Said! I particulary like the

    ... someone has fabricated a one-sided explanation of what "must"have happened and the message board court has weighed this "evidence" and found ....

    Every thread read more or less the same. Someone read an article and give his "authorised" and "well-informed" opinion on it, no matter how little they know about the issue. All these know-it -all would do a stellar job if they could bother move away from their computer screen and get into the real political arena, instead of Armchair politic.

    i would say expat at work rather than Britts!


  6. Although I remember some nations around the world and their mouthpieces speaking out against the death penalty, I am sure that the majority of the populace of these countries would have prefered to see the two die. If they are given life, or 20-30 years, then they may sneak out or be let out. I have more confidence in the death penalty than I do in these guys doing 20 or 30 years. I do not think that 30 years is enough, nor is life in prison. That leaves death.

    In Belgium in 1995?, some men were caught having kidnapped, held as sex-slaves, and then murdered several girls aged between 12-15. My numbers are a little off, but you get the general idea. In Belgium, there was no death penalty. While watching CNN, my Belgian friend and I watched many women demonstrating in front ot the house where the girls had been held captive. My friend translated that these women were not asking for life in prisonment.

    I do not have a Texan's view on the death penalty, meaning that I do not want to see everyone out there receive it for hard crimes, and in some cases, I think it is just. The laws and penalties for breaking laws of a country should represent the views of the populace of that country. From what I see, the majority of Thai people believe in the death penalty.

    Yeah let the "populace" decide !!! ang let's go back to the Dark Age.....

    Sorry but there are decisions the populace should not take! Because if it were, women would still not vote and be bound to their husbands will, gay would be sent to jail, abortion would remain a crime, colonialism and salvery would be the norm, justice would be an eye for an eye, and so on... And I really don't want to leave in the US :o


  7. Doesn't Buddhism ask to refrain from the consumption of alcohol???

    It is one the 5 basic buddhist precept undertaken by the novice AND the laity....

    Here are the five

    1. To refrain from taking life.

    2. To refrain from taking that which is not freely given (stealing).

    3. To refrain from sensual misconduct (improper sexual behavior, gluttony etc.)

    4. To refrain from incorrect speech (lying, harsh language, slander, idle chit-chat).

    5. To refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness.


    Thailand really shouldn't call itself a Buddhist country...... :D

    -Ignorant expat- :o

    Shoud Britain and the US call themselves Christian countries ?


  8. If Islamic values tend towards trying to protect life ahead of corporations wealth, then go Islam!

    I welcome the kingdoms new leadership in moving us more closer to the values of Islam.

    .. and more of the usual rubbish from ignorant expats...

    Doesn't Buddhism ask to refrain from the consumption of alcohol???

    It is one the 5 basic buddhist precept undertaken by the novice AND the laity....

    Here are the five

    1. To refrain from taking life.

    2. To refrain from taking that which is not freely given (stealing).

    3. To refrain from sensual misconduct (improper sexual behavior, gluttony etc.)

    4. To refrain from incorrect speech (lying, harsh language, slander, idle chit-chat).

    5. To refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness.


  9. It's tiring to read the same old khrap all the time...

    There are people under 50, who do not want or wish or need to work, who do not want to do business, who do not therefore evade tax, who are not breaking any rule or law and never have been (doing visa run was not breaking a rule...) and for which there is currently NO visa available other than tourist.


    Thai visa laws, as well as their interpretation and implementation, are not designed to make everyone in the world happy or to cater to every exception.

    If you are a wealthy 40 year old who wishes to stay in Thailand permanently, you may indeed feel that you are being unfairly excluded.

    That's fair :D

    If you are a wealthy 40 year old, surely by now you've learned that life is not always fair. If you go to a Thai embassy, throw a tantrum and threaten to hold your breath until they give you a visa,

    maybe you'll get what you want. If you don't get it, sulk. I expect that's essentially how many of you wealthy 40 year olds have approached life anyway. Don't change now.

    That's prejudice... :o

    Isn't it sad that instead of fighting to support everywhere a fundamental universal right, freedom of movement, we have here a bunch of sheep 'beholding' the law as if it was sacred, and a bunch of people worry with the grief that they might suffer when renewing the O-B visa?

    No surprise that with such passivity and self-concern the world is such a hard place...

    Time for lampooning...

    They came first for the Visa Runners,

    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Visa Runner.

    Then they came for the 3m Baht Business Visa,

    and I didn't speak up because I did not have one.

    Then they came for the Tourist Visa,

    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a tourist.

    Then they came for the Retirement Visa,

    and I didn't speak up because I was not that old.

    Then they came for me,

    and by that time no one was left to speak up.


  10. Why waste time thinking about it? Just comply with the law.

    Because the law says that this is okay. There is no written time limit for how long you can stay as a tourist. Europe has this in there law, Thailand not.

    So why are the people in the consulates doing this? Rassism against farangs? Revenge for some additional work they have to do? Stupidity? Well i think it is the last.

    Why don't you get the laws changed in Europe so that asians can stay long enough as much as they want on tourist visas, can work without proper permists because they bring some initial investment? If you say that you contribute to the economy of Asia, same way when asians work in West they also contribute to the economy. why do you cry that these asians take away the jobs and works which are rightfully (what you feel) yours? isn't is rassism against asians/africans/coloured or anyone belonging to developing country??????



    Unlike Thailand, there are laws in Europe that say HOW LONG you can stay as a tourist. For information a Tourist visa to the UK is for 6 months, multiple entries and once there you can apply for a schengen visa ( i know, I did it for my partner).

    People who come in Thailand for business BRING IN initial investment whilst asian working abroad TAKE OUT money to send it back to their familly (and I don't condemn that!)

    The jobs taken by asians in Europe are not available to foreigners in Thailand (heard of the restricted list of activities for foreigners???).

    You talk about racism but what about the different minimun salary for foreigners? On what ground a chinese is worth less than an american?

    So please don't compare apples and pears...

    I would be the first to be very happy if Europe would relax its law on immigration, it would make my personal life much easier than having to shuttle between here and there.


  11. "I believe that the tourist visa rules are designed to prevent people from living and working in Thailand with out paying taxes. Or running a business or working for a business legal or not that does not pay the required Taxes or Social Insurance on it workers."

    That is exactly correct. Thailand isn't trying to keep people out, just trying to make them honest.

    How long is long enough as a tourist?

    I should think 90 days is enough time in Thailand as a tourist.

    We all know most people doing the border runs are not being honest about their actual intentions so, I'm not sure why foreigners get angry with the Thai's when in fact the foreigners are breaking the law.

    This is not our country; we are guests here and must follow the rules. The reason for the "crack down" is because, many of us don't follow the rules and it makes it bad for everyone. The lack of respect I have seen towards Thai officials doesn't help either.

    It's tiring to read the same old khrap all the time...

    There are people under 50, who do not want or wish or need to work, who do not want to do business, who do not therefore evade tax, who are not breaking any rule or law and never have been (doing visa run was not breaking a rule...) and for which there is currently NO visa available other than tourist.

    If there was a law that fordad long time tourism in Thailand please point it at me. And as far as I know there is still no such law, just a restriction on the amount of time you can spend in thailand without a Tourist visa. So again, visa run are not against the law and application for TV are not against the law neither.

    Now if the Thai really want to make things clear and simple they should draft a law that clearly say: Foreigners can stay in thailand for tourism purpose for X day a year. End of the story. For sure it might not look nice on glossy amazing Thailand prospectus ...

    So you are right there is no point in getting upset at the official, but why not creating a visa allowing people in the situation above mentioned to happily SPEND their money in Thailand as long as they can on a visa that they will be ready and happy to pay for???

    The "crackdown" is just a populist diversion as many other used by Thaksin and thai politicians.


  12. To be fair, I think everyone needs to understand that this is a study--it's not research. Many of the things that have been surveyed are attitudes and beliefs about things. It doesn't site, for example, how often these wives tend to eat western food. It doesn't compare that trend with the overall trend of people eating more western (fast) food.


    And the whole-lot of you suddenly-graduated-and -expert-in-thai-social-studies are also forgetting that you are not reading the actual study, but a report about it in The Nation... A bit of humility maybe?


  13. How is it getting harder to transfer the money?

    We as US citizens have to have US Bank accounts and a US address for our pension

    or social security to be automatic deposit in our accounts. We then withdraw the money

    with our ATM cards. Some US banks have stopped ATM withdrawals in most countries included Thailand. I have 3 US Bank accounts and I can shift money from one to the other, but I can not

    transfer them into my Thai bank accounts. There is no agreement between Thailand and the US.

    Also because of Bushes Homeland Security Act everyone is a terrorist suspect so one bank has cut my daily withdrawal limit just 6 month ago from $1000 a day to $200.


    Don't know western union !? ask a bar girl... :o

  14. 57_1_b.JPG?

    I believe this pictures an apsara, or celestial dancer. As such she hardly qualifies as a Coyote....

    Apsara are indeed commonly found in Khmer Temples, which have nonetheless been converted into Budhist Temples after the fall of Angkhor and contrarily to what was written elsewhere, Apsara have remained a familliar decoration in Buddhist art and Khmer influence on Thai cultures is to be found everywhere from language to food. The most famous apsara seen everywhere is the Apsara squeezing water from her hair.



  15. :D What will they go after next, maybe getting the stray dogs off the street,leaving POOp everywhere. :o out the poor girls are just trying to make a living.

    maybe a crackdown on monks in Pantip, or in china town buying VCD (sometime porn) or smocking in the wat compound, or eating after noon?

    The Shanga does need to clean the air...


  16. Pheeeew, I can now legally booze all night without the fear of being ostracised or prosecuted!

    Only if you consider all night to be until 2am.

    You must not live in Thailand, and if you do......... You just havent got a clue.

    Eh? OK, please tell me where I can legally booze all night in Bangkok.

    In disco, pools club and Karaokes open after 2AM...


  17. I agree with earlier posts....why does an innocent account of a troubling event shared with other expats turn into a name calling, micro-managing, condescending character assassination? Anyone who says they have never withheld the truth from an official of any kind if they thought it would get them in trouble are not being honest with themselves. For my sixpenthworth I believe the OP is brave to post his experience on here only in the knowledge that our forum consists of a few people only willing to pull their post apart and suggest how they should run the rest of their lives. Good informative post and I will take my own lessons from it as others might to.

    May I suggest they do it out of boredom? :o:D


  18. When you wait at the first part there is a Laos official who can help explain things if you ask and she feels like helping. When i was there, the instructions are not good. Best advice is to get USD before as this is the cheapest option.


    Dollars are better to pay for everything than Baht. For a strange reason everything is more expensive if paid in Baht. The agent asked me 1550 baht for the visa or 35 $ which at the exchenge rate of the day was 1330 Baht!

    Transport from Viang Chan to the bridge is 300 Baht but you can get it for 6$ (230 baht).


  19. I crossed this border 10 days ago with an agent for handling my visa. All went well.

    One anecdocte: There was a canadian guy in our group with no photo... 100 Baht more got him his Laos visa without problem...

    On the way back, the Thai Immig Off. did carefully check the passport of the visa runner before me. There was a lot of Thai Immig stamps, but the guy got his VOA and the Thai Off. joked about it with his colleague.

    He did the same for me, checking my passport back and forth. But I have only double entry tourist visas and 2 old VOA. He double and triple checked that the dates were correct (I re-entered the very last day of my visa!) and I got my 2nd entry.

    I don't think one need and agent, but was my first time and wanted to see how things goes. Note that you can get your Lao Visa in Bangkok on Kho San for 1350 baht in two days.


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