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  1. Women all over the world value the same things for the main part. Only difference is the lower threshold in SEA to be considered wealthy and therefore a viable partner from a financial standpoint.
  2. Self aware incel that thinks he has game because he moved to a country where many potential partners make a whopping 15000 baht a month or less. If memory serves correctly he is somewhere between 60-70 meaning most of the women he is bedding are paid, low value or both. I suspect middle aged single mums are the primary target.
  3. And are at the whim of the actual landholder despite whatever "contract" they have.
  4. You aren't allowed to say that though. Racist!!!!!! reeeee
  5. Assuming that the lawyer doesn't end up making the purchase in their own name which has happened before. There is no safe way to buy landed property in this country as a foreigner. End of Story.
  6. Give the guy a break. He appears to be an 80 year old American Sexpat based in Pattaya. We shouldn't be surprised he only associates with similar.
  7. They probably aren't legal. Not everyone has the coin for an elite VISA or met the criteria for the LTR. Many Russians are abusing ED Visa's or Tourist Visa's. It isn't even hush hush. Agencies on Facebook are advertising ED Visa's without the need to attend class. online or in person. Outside of the elite and LTR there are very few options for them. Immigration will be either flat out deporting people or will take bribes and sweep it under the table.
  8. They are probably turned off by self aware incels too.
  9. Given that they seem just like any other group of expats here I have no input to the so called, rivalries or clannish like behaviour of Germans or Brits. There isn't much press on Germans here in Thailand. Where can I go in Thailand to find whole buildings full of Insular German communities? Can I find illegal German tour guides or taxi drivers? Mafia? Sex workers? That honestly sounds interesting.
  10. If you are leading them on with the possibility of a relationship you are definitely doing harm. Your comments around drugs and alcohol are cringe.
  11. Ok guy. Listings I reviewed 8 months ago and know are not available are still live on Fazwaz. If you think anyone has made a decision of consequence in 3 hours you are kidding yourselves. It would have been just as courteous for the owner to return the whole amount.
  12. That sounds about right based on my own dealings with them. It would seem at least 2/3 of the posters here and on other platforms have had the same experience. People whinge about racism etc. in peoples posts but a good deal of the time the comments or posts stay up free from moderation. Clearly the majority has run out of patience with Blyat and Sasha.
  13. Ahh, here we are. The guy that was not long ago praising the Russian "Bombshells". I bet you can't wait for the Rubles to dry up Komrade 555.
  14. Are you sure it wasn't some scummy Australian or Yank? Everyone tells me that the Ivans are middle and upper class business executives and REA moguls. We should be glad to have them here, right?
  15. Something tells me the small number of same posters here often defending the Russians have a particular interest in this unfolding.
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