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Everything posted by emeraldruby

  1. I saw him once in Stockport but he wasn't funny that night-Still he put Knotty Ash on the map
  2. It's never bothered me in the slightest.. If people can't understand it or rationalize it they should go home. Moaning about a few dollars or LOL 'A matter pwincipal' is just sad. There are so many free festivals and spectacular events here people should be grateful. Decent travelers would be glad of the opportunity to subsidize poorer Thais and control their envy of wealthy Thais. I'm happy, more than happy to pay a bit more. And guess what? I don't get angry because foreigners get free stuff in England. it does not bother me.
  3. Libya was peaceful until 2007 then all foreigners left and oil production went down was run locals mainly.
  4. My wife refused to accept I was from Knotty Ash or that it even existed except in the mind of Ken Dodd
  5. Nah- not at all
  6. I just just knew a couple of anti mask thickies- crim brits - 555 now they moan about long covid. Every educated person I knew took a few hours of reading to understand the issues. Being educated they saw through the YT and FB nutters propaganda. It's always 'the tough guys' who 'feel too uncomfortable' to wear a mask. It's pathetic
  7. 'no one dared to approach you' LOL You have a high opinion of yourself ..Next time you go to a hospital you will wear a mask and hopefully during this latest pandemic people like you will be denied access to shared enclosed spaces until you stop following anti science right wing propaganda.
  8. The pandemic is back, possibly worse than before- it's raging in Pattaya, ripping through Portugal and killing in Britain
  9. yeah yeah yeah we get it. You are a guardian reader. you hate Johnson, Trump, Brexit
  10. use the money to attract real quality tourists by building art galleries- wealth and class follows culture Not water scooter competitions. Pattaya used to have a chess festival!
  11. Skunk is just for the council estate kids - it's a vile non creative hit that nails you down like smack. You can still get decent comersh and solid- it's old school
  12. correct - by the time the bad trip starts you know you still have 5 hours of hell
  13. There's a BIG difference between befriending a girl and trying to get free sex. I find that dishonesty. Here in Thailand we pay honestly that's why it's simple here.
  14. Yep the girls are great at most places Dollhouse Soi 15 opposite Electric Blue is currently the best with prettiest girls. Beware phoney dumps with Agency girls fully dressed.
  15. I use agents all the time. They advertise on TV and newspapers in Pattaya. But being bit of a dead zone I dont know about CM. I don't know how well well you know CM or Thailand but it's the last place I'd choose to settle. I opened my account by myself but I use agents for most things
  16. A very rare story
  17. One of the issues is how far is it worth traveling to. I would reccomend Marcos but for me it's near. There is another on Theprraya Aqapazza which is excellent- Napolitano food I think and Bosca possibly Sicilian near the statue Garuda statue Jomtien
  18. so of all the restaurants in Pattaya you can only reccomend one? Robin?
  19. A troll reply- insencere or pointless. Try suggesting your top 7 Italian restaurants then.
  20. yes it's a great unpretentious place selling great food
  21. TT has lost its Lustre but is a wonderful place. The wild boar was served without flair and the fries were cool not hot.
  22. yes I've been there and enjoyed it also Frankie's on 2nd Road
  23. Because he was asking for other people's opinions. I would like to see other people opinions as well as the OP
  24. Good information from a well traveled, cosmopolitan person. Very rare on this forum.
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