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Everything posted by peterfranks

  1. Though I think that at those times when you got 18%, things were much worse than today, and inflation must have been rampant
  2. So the moral of your story. You know someone who got vaxed and didn't die. Thanks for the heads up. ????
  3. The thing is, I have never spoken with him, much less had an argument. It wasn't until 5-6 years after I moved in, I knew who he was. The neighbour on the other side, from who I bought my land, always told me that he lived far away. So it may even be a possibility that the kamnan is not the real owner, but just take care of the land for the owner.
  4. I understand that what he did is probably not illegal, but his intention was not to fill his land. His plot is at least 3 Rai, maybe a little more, and he has 1 stroke from 20 meter by approx 5 meter that is 1 meter above street level now, all the rest is at street level. This happened about 5 years ago, and has since not changed.
  5. I only worry what else he can do to make life difficult for me, knowing he is a Kamnan. The house was built 12 years ago, so long this is going on. At one point in the past he allowed someone to dump dirt on his land, so the last 20 meter he filled up more than 1 meter, but 30 centimeter from my perimeter wall. So when it rains the water stays between the filled area and my perimeter wall, probably undermining the foundation of my wall over time.
  6. Yes he can't move it any further, and indeed I will never use the land. The reason I built 30 cm from the boundary is that initially I had planned to have sloping columns attached to the perimeter wall, but later changed mind, because the constructor said that neighbour might make problems. Think he was right lol
  7. My perimeter wall is 30 centimeter from the boundary, and he now placed the square pole right next to the perimeter wall. My wall is 2 meter high, and I can't even access it any more, since he has fenced his plot with barbed wire.
  8. I have a 1 Rai plot, 45 meter deep, and the perimeter wall is about 30 centimeter from the boundaries. Now my neighbour at one side has destroyed the boundary markers twice already. He removed it once, I then let the land office measure it again and put in new markers, and a few weeks later the markers, was destroyed with a hammer. I still have the top with the numbers. He then later let his land measure, but they didn't put in numbered markerss, only short square concrete poles which they painted red. The concrete pole was exactly where my chanote previously was, 30 cm from the boundary. Now recently he has fenced his plot with barbed wire, and he moved the pole that the land office had placed, back to right in the boundary. What are my options, knowing that the neighbour is the local kamnan?
  9. Sounds like a lot of "handicraft" going on with members of this forum
  10. I have had similar issues with those kinds of listings, and Lazada customer support was not helpful either, so since then I skip over them as soon as I see shipped by seller.
  11. You're right. Enter the item you search for in google and add Priceza to the search term
  12. Sure he had Hilary in mind, but 3 guesses who now is investigated by the FBI, and about every other government department in the US, and maybe in other parts of the world as well.
  13. How's Troll meat, as i'm sure you eat that a lot
  14. And maybe AN one day fixes their website, so that you don't get errors all time
  15. And on Tuesdays, Pizzahut 59 baht all you can eat ????
  16. Every now and then I wake up to a pool pump that hasn't automatically started. The pool pump is controlled by the chlorinator through a contactor. The chlorinator starts, but the pump not. On the control board the pump has a switch auto/off/on. I simply turn the switch to on, and the pump will start instantly, then turn it back to auto, and it will work fine for the next several weeks. Will this be the switch or the contactor that needs replacing?
  17. Burger King has probably tripled in price since they started here. I never fancied McD, and BK was in the early years about the same price but much larger burgers etc. These days you must have won the lottery to afford a BK menu
  18. In other words, you actually have no idea what you'rte talking about?
  19. You have brought up that now probably 100 times, in about every thread you enter, regardless if it is related or not. Can you please tell us how this affects your life in Thailand?
  20. BS. We all can see the distance between the top of the ATM and the roof.. I don't know the standard height of an ATM, but if that roof is the level of your jaw, then I imagine you're unable to use any ATM in Thailand without sitting on your knees.
  21. Wonder why you ever decided to come to Thailand with such a knowledge
  22. It's not a "move", smart or otherwise, it's an annual event since 2015, which was paused the last 2 years because of Covid
  23. Although, all three may contain the exact same beer, and this just a collectors item
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