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Everything posted by peterfranks

  1. So finally you agree that a graph has zero use, unless you want to know the past, which is no guarantee or indication for the future
  2. It didn't disappear. I have quoted you yesterday with the explanation why you may not see it, but it seems you prefer to continue with your conspiracy theories as that suits you, however the explanation couldn't be more credible, since it is from Interpol directly. https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/Red-Notices How many Red Notices are there? There are currently approximately 69,270 valid Red Notices, of which some 7,500 are public. The majority of Red Notices are restricted to law enforcement use only.
  3. Don't you see she has her morning coffee in here hands ????
  4. I'm sure they mean, to prevent foreigners getting infected, because the Thais are infected already. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/nigerian-may-have-been-infected-with-monkeypox-in-thailand-senior-doctor/ The Nigerian man, who was confirmed to be Thailand’s first and so far only monkeypox case, may have contracted the virus in the country, said Dr. Wasun Chantratita, chief of the Centre for Medical Genomics at Ramathibodi Hospital.
  5. I only can hope so, because he gets things moving, and in case you hadn't noticed, he often goes after those in power in Thailand
  6. The purpose of a VPN is not only to put yourself in a different location, but to encrypt your traffic. If you select a server inside the country you are located, that should give you the least speed lag, but not sure if the latter is true in Thailand. If I enable a VPN in another country, Lazada will each and every time require an OTP sent to my email or by SMS, before I can log in
  7. https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/Red-Notices How many Red Notices are there? There are currently approximately 69,270 valid Red Notices, of which some 7,500 are public. The majority of Red Notices are restricted to law enforcement use only.
  8. How times change. Where is the time that you weren't allowed entrance to a bank or 7/11 if you wore a mask. These days you aren't allowed if you don't wear a mask.
  9. Of course you can, though the message is sent in Morse code. I'll get my coat
  10. https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/Red-Notices How many Red Notices are there? There are currently approximately 69,270 valid Red Notices, of which some 7,500 are public. The majority of Red Notices are restricted to law enforcement use only.
  11. You still don't get it do you, he was put in a position where can't do more harm than he has caused the company already. Firing him right away would have been a bad sign for investors, and may have caused a further crash of the stock price, so they gave the child a different name. He is now an advisor to the CEO. https://www.huntclub.com/blog/executive-chairman-vs.-ceo-whats-the-difference What is an executive chairman? An executive chairman has many of the same responsibilities as a non-executive chairman, except he's a company's paid employee. How long does an executive chairman stay on? An executive chairman usually stays on for six to twelve months. The end date usually is the end of the calendar year or the next annual shareholder's meeting when board members are elected. The shelf life of an executive chairman isn’t set in stone. Still, anything longer than a year raises questions about why the overlap period must be so long. It also raises concerns about the confidence the board has in the newly appointed CEO.
  12. Every currency will fluctuate, never seen one that goes is one and one only direction. But to quote another popular song, in your mind "the only way is up"?????
  13. Saylor said. I thought you were smarter and be able to read between the lines. Yeah they put him in a function to let him control what cost the company almost 2 billion in loss.
  14. Saylor is gone, he has been fired. They put him in an 'inactive post', like the police in Thailand, to save some face and prevent a massive reaction from investors. And let me correct this also for you. but when IF BTC jumps upwards again will change his tune....
  15. Do I need to have a point to post a link to a news article related to the topic at hand. What is your point?
  16. Nobody said that, though this thread's topic happens to be crypto, and not rental cars
  17. In every thread concerning Thai baht / USD exchange rate, there is always the one and only you crying foul of baht manipulation, even is the USD value has increased by 15%, and then 1 day it retreats by 0.001%. I take you must be really desperate, and should have thought about it before moving to Thailand
  18. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/michael-saylor-microstrategy-ceo-bitcoin-204325431.html Michael Saylor steps down as MicroStrategy CEO, company takes $917 million charge on bitcoin At the end of Q2, the carrying value of MicroStrategy’s digital assets (comprised of approximately 129,699 bitcoins) was $1.988 billion, which reflects cumulative impairment losses of $1.989 billion since acquisition and an average carrying amount per bitcoin of approximately $15,326, the company said in a statement.
  19. Bang Saray is part of the Sattahip district of the Chonburi province
  20. Do I have proveable facts, no. Thanks for confirming @Bangkok Barry was right then.
  21. Peeing down your legs, while pretending to be asleep on the chair, may speed up the result you're after
  22. A better question would be, did sales continue as usual, because we all know how Thai economics 101 work in regard to pricing.
  23. If I am the pedestrian I will also not move, and sign to the that they should continue on their way, because you can be assured that while you are crossing, some idiot will come at high speed from behind the stationary car and mow you down
  24. Hmm, since it is very obvious to the members that each and every topic Bob has started, including this one, is a troll topic, I wonder why they are allowed to continue
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