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Everything posted by peterfranks

  1. Consumers more often chose for meat substitutes.
  2. https://www.ndtv.com/business/crypto-is-a-complete-fraud-says-worlds-best-known-short-seller-3149691 Crypto Is A 'Complete Fraud,' Says World's Best Known Short-Seller Andrew Left, founder of Citron Research and one of the worlds best known short-sellers, on Monday described cryptocurrencies as a "fraud."
  3. If you had done a search you would have known that online you can't do 90 report after the due date. I assume you read the thread title and knew this is about online reporting.
  4. Just received the slip by email, and next due date is 10 October. Current due date is 19 July
  5. Just filled in and also got next due date, 90 days after current due date. The form was also instantly available for print out, where previous report I had to wait for the email. EDIT : I'm confused as the date I entered Thailand last time, coincides with 90 days after my current due date. The document that is instantly available for download, is a copy from my request.
  6. I think the old system was between 14 and 7 days before due date. Maybe I'm wrong as it never worked for me. The new system works for me, but if you do 14 days before, you each time lose 14 days
  7. With the new online system, is it still required to do the report at least 7 days before due date, and can it be done on immigration holidays? Thanks
  8. It's always best to read a post before you reply. This is the post I quoted in my replay
  9. Maybe try to read again, it clearly says raise hotel rates. https://aseannow.com/topic/1265139-tourism-ministry-dual-pricing-proposal-for-hotel-rates/
  10. My cameras were 2800 baht a piece, and bought already, so switching to another one is not an option.
  11. If it is a Mitsubishi pump, they don't have a bladder, isn't it?
  12. Why would video data need 1 Gbps? 99% of IP cameras on the market have less than 100 Mbps to stream their video signal. Even 7K cameras use only 100 Mbps. Coaxial is first of all much harder to handle, and PG6 coaxial has no solid copper core. About 30% copper is the best you can find.
  13. https://shopee.co.th/Power-Supply-box-12v-20A-18Channels-พร้อมแบตเตอร์รี่-i.314246554.17240710574 This I will use to power them with 2 x 1mm² flexible copper cable. My cameras are analog and I use baluns, which enable me to use 2 pair to power them, but I have been advised that the powerloss will be too big. Powerloss calculators indicate that I will have 9.6V on the cameras the furthest away, and Dahua quotes that the cameras run on 12V +- 25% (9V), though on an cctv forum I was told that it would not work. What you mean with 100 Mbps. Cat5e is rated 1 Gbps
  14. This is the cable I will use. https://www.interlink.co.th/upload/product_document/US-9015.pdf All cable will be under the roof, and I haven't planned for conduit. Will conduit make a big difference in performance?
  15. I would have thought you could do better. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-vaccine-mandate-idUSL1N2QX1YI Fact Check-White House, CDC, FDA, NIAID, Pfizer and Moderna employees are subject to vaccine mandates
  16. In my home country that is the law. Not stopping when a pedestrian is only approaching a crossing, will cost you big
  17. Do you have a link to a credible source that proves this? IMO, Musk just invented an excuse because he ran out of funds. Yes I know he is still a billionaire, but look what happened very shortly after he signed an agreement. The Tesla stock price, took a dive, so he would have to use a lot more shares to finance the deal. The crypto, in which he is big invested, also lost about 80% of value. All by all, I think Musk net worth declined by more than the 44 billion he had thought to use. And finally, Musk is a troll who uses social media to talk up his stock prices
  18. In Thailand everyone, in whatever business or government department you can think about, make up their own rules and conditions right on the spot. Read my topic about the withholding tax for example. Sometimes it also works in my favour, as a few times with government I made up my own rules and conditions, which I knew were not correct and only benefited me, but they accepted them, simply because they don't know their job.
  19. I sold my 2 bed semi-detached house on the darkside in 2012 for 1.6 million, and I had plenty of takers. While I don't doubt there will have been houses for 800K as well somewhere, I'm sure I wouldn't have wanted to live in them
  20. Let me get this clear. I don't live here as long as Scouse123, but I'm nearing it, and I get his point. Financially I'm healthy, so healthy I don't think I can spend it all before I die, which may be another 30 years going by the age my parents are. The first 10 years I was here I enjoyed, knowing I was in a third world country, and realizing the pros and contras of that. Though when I lived and worked in my home country, I could see the improvements all the time, so I would expect this as common anywhere in the world. What I experience here is that it instead goes backwards in every way. I could give plenty examples of that, but it's late already. In short, when I arrived here I always thought they were 20 years behind, today I think they are 50 years behind.
  21. I'm sure you have a graph somewhere to proof it's nonsense. Wait a minute, didn't I see a thread of you in the past few days that you don't even live in Thailand, but are considering it?
  22. Then you probably shouldn't be here to begin with, or left a long time ago. I think you shouldn't post before you have read the post you are replying to. The one who has no place to move to, because he lives in his car, is not kingofisaan, and doesn't even live in Thailand
  23. Same thing? What you rent here for 10K, they are in the west by law not allowed to use as a dog house
  24. Cutting of is no option. It are the taps under bathroom sinks, and they are inside tiled walls
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