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Everything posted by peterfranks

  1. peterfranks

    Bar stool

    Anyone know if it is possible to buy only the lower part of such bar stool (without the seat) around Pattaya or online?
  2. And each of those companies invested 216 million on average. I call BS on that
  3. When I have to believe the pensioners on this forum, 12.000 is peanuts when they are out for a night, so how would they spend it if not taking with them? Because then the cynics like you would be here presto with comments, who leaves that kind of money in his hotel.
  4. I only wonder how they from 17 million liter per month of used oil, gonna make 1 million liter jet fuel per day The demands can be met easily because Thanachok Group has a used cooking oil collection network covering 77 provinces across the country, able to collect approximated 17 million liters monthly. Another thing I don't understand, is how it will lower greenhouse gases, as they will still burn as much jet fuel as ever before
  5. Is that the toad on the big screen? Why is his desk constantly monitored?
  6. So the percentage of GDP allocated to tourism depends on the bars? Woehahaha
  7. Have you tried changing batteries with some brandname ones, and checked if there is no oxidation the connectors that connect to the battery holder, or the contacts inside the battery holder. I also have a Leeco safe, and i got a mastercode when I purchased it.
  8. I'm sure NASA has posted plenty of evidence of the hole in the ozone layer, and scientific evidence about the current climate. I very much doubt that NASA has posted any evidence that humans are responsible, but I'm happy to be corrected by you when you post a relevant link.
  9. https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/Red-Notices How many Red Notices are there? There are currently approximately 69,270 valid Red Notices, of which some 7,500 are public. The majority of Red Notices are restricted to law enforcement use only. In some cases, for example where the public’s help is needed to locate an individual or they pose a threat to public safety, a public extract of the Red Notice is published on this website.
  10. Here is another fact for you. your graph shows that we are at the highest CO2 level, it doesn't prove anything that that is the cause of the climate change
  11. First we had the Ice Age, when temperatures were below zero, followed by the medieval warm period, and next the little ice age, where the earth cooled down again. For years it was accepted by scientists, that current temperatures were on the same level as during the medieval period. In 2006, new "evidence" revealed that we are actually 1 degree warmer as during the medieval period. (Remind me who started the climate reality project just 1 year earlier.) Now wait another 10 years, and there will be maybe new evidence that at that time the temperature is again at the same level as the medieval period, or 1 degree lower. Moral of my post, I don't deny climate change is a fact, it has been happening for centuries
  12. Flooding is mostly caused by the increased building. I for the past 10 years use a small concrete road between my soi and the main highway. It never flooded. The past 3 years many buildings have been erected at both sides of that small road. Now when it rains for 1 hour, the road is flooded. Must be climate change, not?
  13. Did you open a return request, within 7 days after receiving the order, in addition to chatting and talking with Lazada?
  14. Why does the article title single out Chinese, when in fact every other nationality has the same rights to invest?
  15. Could it be the the additional fees are actually for late paying, 1 baht a day?
  16. Why you not tell us which English word it would resemble?
  17. Bad example, because the fit doesn't resemble the word food at all. It is a fact that Thais simply are too stubborn, and don't want to make even the slightest attempt to understand. One of the first time I arrived in Don Muang, there were taxi drivers waiting the the arrival hall, asking me in ENGLISH, where you gooooo. When I said Pattaya they had no idea where I want to go, until one of the smart ones explained it want to go to Pattayaaa
  18. Strange, I thought that yesterday is MU ONE - MOO ONE Even Google agrees with me
  19. From my writing you obviously can not know how I pronounced it, but apart from that, can yhou point me to another word in Thai that sounds the same? I know there are many words in Thai that sound almost same, just have a different tone, and mean something different, but I never heard a similar sounding word. Edit to add: I'm sure if an immigrant in the UK asks where trane or terrain London, everyone will understand him
  20. Because some of them are stubborn. I recall in my early days I ordered tomato juice in Thai at the lucky star bar in Pattaya. Now I know that the Thai word for tomato juice is difficulty to pronounce, something like Namu Khete (N̂ả mak̄heụ̄xtheṣ̄), but I'm not aware of another word in Thai that sounds the same, and I'm sure I was not the first who ordered that in the biggest bar of WS, yet they would not understand until I ordered it in English
  21. There is no reason to be less sensitive, since farang is the correct word and not insulting. Maybe those trolls who use this as an excuse can provide us with the correct Thai word? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farang
  22. Yingluck was also defense minister from 2013 till 2014. When they removed her from the prime minister post, she also wasn't allowed to continue as defense minister
  23. I also like tuna, I only don't feed 4 from a small tin. The Cadbury chocolate is probably a gift from someone who cares for the health of your kid, because you were so proud to post that you feed him Tulip cooking chocolate, with 64% sugar.
  24. Takes one to know one I guess
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