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Everything posted by peterfranks

  1. I never called it a pump controller, the correct name is contactor The female socket on my chlorinator goes to the CONTACTOR, because a pump draws too much current at start-up, hence the need for a contactor. My Chlorinator is a Zodiac TRI, hardly a second grade brand
  2. I thought you were a professional, and you don't know what a contactor is? https://www.google.com/search?q=contactor+relay&tbm=isch In a proper installation the pump never get directly controlled by the chlorinator, because the pump will draw too much current during start up and damage the chlorinator, hence the use of a contactor relay. Looks like the Thais know how to do it. The pump doesn't get turned off because there is a flow issue, the chlorinator get turned off because there is a flow issue...........since the pump hasn't started when the chlorinator started. A timer on a chlorinator doesn't have an auto setting either. You enter a start/stop time, or you don't. The 3 way switches are obviously on the control box, one for each pump, so it can be operated manually, or by a timer or remote control, or switched off.
  3. Because the latter has not the same effect on the election results
  4. Answering any spam - scam or whatever call can not do any harm, as long as you have a functioning brain.
  5. As I said already, the chlorinator controls the contactor which operates the pump. I haven't done that installation myself 12 years ago, and there are I think 10 contactors in that control box, so I don't know if the chlorinator goes to the 3 way switch or the contactor, but obviously not directly to the pump
  6. Did you notice that I mentioned that the chlorinator goes in error because there is no flow? The chlorinator activates the contactor of the pump.
  7. Nothing wrong with the timer as far as I'm aware, because the chlorinator starts, but the pump doesn't. So when the cell housing is empty, because the cell works but there is no water flow, the chlorinator displays error message Turning the pump switch to ON, then back to AUTO and everything works for the next month or two
  8. Pretty easy, look for another apartment that doesn't require a 12 month contract
  9. 065 and 092 calls are something completely different from what the topic is about. They are spam calls from local numbers. The OP is about scam calls, from a foreign number. Spam calls are difficult to avoid, unless you want to risk that you block your friend who just called you with his new number. A call with a strange international prefix, is a different story, and easy to block without answering.
  10. I'm sure that guy called, 'my mate Nate' makes loads, and there are probably more. As someone else already mentioned, when you have 12 million followers, you make money while you sleep, every time someone clicks on one of your tubes
  11. I have to agree with the OP, not about not extending the closing hours, but the reason why REAL tourists come here. REAL tourists are of course not to be confused with the w*ore mongers who come here 3 times a year
  12. I do mine on a regular dinner plate in the microwave. I cover the plate with a plastic lid, and put a soup bowl on top, to prevent that if they explode they plaster the complete internals of the oven. Then instead of putting the microwave clock on 2.5 minutes, I do it in 1 minute increments. Never had a nuclear event in the microwave, since I switched to increments.
  13. Inflation was high everywhere in the world, including the UK, in 2021 already. Of course not at today's level yet. The sanctions on Russia started only to take effect since March 2022. https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/bulletins/consumerpriceinflation/december2021 The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) rose by 5.4% in the 12 months to December 2021, up from 5.1% in November.
  14. Exactly, so those on this thread that think they can self insure with 1 million baht in the bank, and claim they have to treat you, keep you alive etc , are delusional.
  15. Getting this about every other click today.
  16. Sorrows? Has the 5000 baht/ day freebie left?
  17. I may be mistaken, but to me the tiles in those pictures are high gloss, and slippery as hell.
  18. You will be here again for a holiday by December, permanently 6 months later. Just read through the guy with the Smurf profile pic his recent post history
  19. I'm exactly same mate, but I notice from this forum that most members confuse quality and taste with alcohol content
  20. Care to share who you engaged and how satisfied you are?
  21. https://finance.yahoo.com/finance/news/trump-ex-fixer-critical-weisselberg-001409401.html https://finance.yahoo.com/news/mueller-memo-justice-department-barr-165014002.html
  22. WhatsApp Video 2022-08-19 at 2.56.08 AM.mp4
  23. Apologies of this is a stupid question. My roof is only 18°, as I use high quality imported clay tiles with double lock etc, which according to the manufacturer brochure have been tested and proven watertight at 17°. Would you think it is possible to replace the tiles with solar panels, and make it waterproof?
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