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Everything posted by DameGran

  1. The point is that there has to be opened an account online or outside Thailand where the money should be sent to. And after that easily transferred to other accounts as usually done with European or British banks.
  2. I am looking for an urgent opportunity to open a bank account as a non-resident, online or in a nearby country, like Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia, where i can easily transfer money from, to an European country while i am abroad. I need to transfer money from a Thai bank in Thailand to6 somewhere else. So that if I go to Europe or elsewhere, I will open a bank account there, and transfer online money from the Thai bank account to my newly opened account in Europe or elsewhere, to get my money safely into an account where I can transfer it later to another account in the world, while I'm not in South East Asia anymore.. so what can you advise me, what and how can I do this?
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