hello. i'm new here.
i am planning to go from Thailand to Vietnam, which upon little research seems pretty easy nowadays, at least by air (my friend just went), but i wonder, is it possible to go by motorcycle?
i read on a post from 2015 on this forum that it was pretty impossible to take a motorcycle into Vietnam, so people generally started the trip from Vietnam. Is there some sort of customs import problem on Vietnam's side?, what's up here??
generally, from my experiences, if you tell people you are traveling long-distance, you can get by a lot of bureaucracy... do anyone think with enough spunk, heart, and smile it's worth trying? (for example, i have travelled through many provinces during all times of covid, even "lockdown". Generally, there was either no one at the provincial borders, or, they ask how much i will sell my bike for.)
i just love my motorcycle too much to leave it, so i thought perhaps i can just take it, given that the Cambodia and Vietnam borders are pretty easy now (Cambodia has been open for a long time now... exclaiming the country is covid-free, complete with a 1800s poster as their main web-site! ????).
if not, if anyone is supremely interested, it's a ~1990 Kawasaki GTO, 2-stroke, white, i think the owner was police, but his grandma seemed eager to get rid of it (yes, green book, tax, 'n all ). I bought it at the beginning of the pandemic and replaced all the things that should be replaced, and kept all the things that should be kept original (but now have two carburetors, original and replacement). I cannot bare to see a rich Thai alcoholic kid using it for swag purposes only. but do note: every Thai person on the street wants to buy it... something about the color white, police, and maybe a power ranger cartoon?? i dunno..
any help is much appreciated.