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Bill Kiwi 68

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Everything posted by Bill Kiwi 68

  1. Response to ausexpat and murraynz--- I never said I was retired. Just investigating applying for retirement visa. In reverse chrono order: I'm learning about online business that requires no capital outlay. I have just closed a drop shipping and branded product business because it kept losing money. In 2007 my property development went belly up because city council changed town planning rules overnight, Zeal Design said they would do resource and building consents in 3 months and took seven[council changed the rules just before that] and GFC resulted in funding being withdrawn. This meant I had to sell down my rental properties from 2008 on and inability to earn enough to meet loan payments. That is why I'm homeless looking for cheap rent outside NZ and NOT retired as one or two may have concluded. If someone applies for retirement visa, it does not mean they are retired. Try logic and not tribalism,
  2. I'm trying to learn another online business. The first one failed. I cannot afford rent in NZ on superannuation and cannot work in SE Asia but the rent is cheap here.
  3. Thank you Onerak for your candid and patient reply. On reflection, my question ''is it legit" is pretty naive. Maybe I will pay the NZ$2300 requested by agency because rents seem cheap in Bangkok compared to Phnom Penh and Cebu.
  4. I got email from one visa agency saying they would put 800k Baht in bank account for me because I do not have that much. Is this legit? Risky for me?
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