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  1. Hmmm, I contacted a few of the therapists mentioned by Sheryl and the prices are very expensive! 3,000b per 50 mins was the normal rate or 7,000 for 3 sessions if I pay in bulk. I understand therapy usually isn't cheap but I wasnt expection to pay more than 1/2k per session. Do you think they offer cheaper alternatives at government hospitals? By the way I forgot to mention I'm half Thai so that may be beneficial...
  2. On occasion but nothing to be concerned about..
  3. As mentioned, I've always been able to manage it. This time was different i completely shut down and lost control of my body. I wake up and get tingling sensations in my feet and arms is that normal? I still manage to sleep only bcos making it through the day feels exhausting. The next day the anxiety and negative thoughts repeat themselves again once I wake up. I feel like I'm auditioning for a Hollywood movie everyday at work. Trying to make it by without anyone noticing differences in my behaviour. It's not how I want to live. Something is different this time and I need help.
  4. I'm located in Bangkok mate. I'm open to suggestions if someone knows a personal Dr. who specializes in the field aswell. Cheers, friend.
  5. Hey readers, In recent weeks I've been having severe anxiety attacks. I'm in constant fear that something bad will, is going to or about to happen. I had my 1st panic attack, a feeling I wish nobody has to experience ever... It felt like I was dying, my soul being ripped from my heart and my head being crushed all spontaneously. I'm constantly in the ''fight or flight'' mode and I'm struggling. I've always dealt with mild cases of depression / anxiety since my teen years but through meditation and breathing exercise it has been manageable. This time feels different... I'm always exhausted, stressed and anxious daily.. It has taken a lot for a grown man like myself to admit this but I need help... Is there a network or a support group for Farangs that I can join?? I'm also willing to speak to a professional if they have such services here.. Any recommendations are much appreciated.
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