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Brian Nose

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Everything posted by Brian Nose

  1. I'll give the first one: Tattoos.
  2. I'm confused, what exactly do you want me to do? Watch you while you get a BJ by a ladyboy and see that your hand doesn't reach down snd grab the dick? Ok. Yeah. The shorts that uou want to show me will be on the LB. So you want me to watch the shorts that the LB is wearing - while you are receiving oral. You want me to watch... Yeah, that's a little gay. Do you want to maintain eye contact with me throughout this experience? I'll maybe think about it but I do not want to return eye contact and it will cost you 4000THB plus travel expenses. I also don't want you to call me any names - bitch, sugar dick etc.
  3. Good point but sometimes you can have sex even if you don't have energy. Take Sticky Rice Balls for example - when his LB demands more action - Sticky Rice Balls just peeps his butthole out from under the covers and his LB continues to destroy his anus. Nothing wrong with that.
  4. Does anyone have an analogy of the BS Sticky Rice Balls expects us to believe? What about this: 'I regularly buy cocaine but not to snort it. I'm just not interested in drugs like that. - I like to rack up a fat line on the coffee table and just look at it.....is this too complicated for you!?'
  5. You sound knowledgeable to ignorant people and ignorant to knowledgeable people.
  6. Mass post-oping of ladyboys.
  7. I imagine you do not have a nuanced understanding of drugs "drugs bad!", right. It was MDMA. Not meth, no ya-ba, not heroin.
  8. Pretty scathing. Still looking for a ladyboy. Why? Are you passable?
  9. NGL, that sounds kinda gay. Appreciate the offer though.
  10. I don't quite understand how you will back up your claims that your "not about seeing a dick" Are you gonna show me how you touch a LBs t1ts but never ever look at the dick because you're really, really super straight?
  11. I take back my thanks trophy. Now you're obviously being dishonest. You pay 1500 for the top half of a fake woman. And presumably, just splooge on her t1ts. All the time saying 'Hoo, no dick for me, no thank you!' Perhaps you've never been good at personal finance - I'm no whiz myself - but 100% of a real woman seems to make better financial sense than 50% of a fake woman. Take your time. Use a calculator if need be. I'll be honest, I love women and I love women with dicks. I'm f#cking owning it here.
  12. That's not where I look for hot LBs online..????
  13. Pretty scathing, angry post for a happy man. Are you happy on the inside? ????
  14. Nice move! Great decision. This thread was feeling a little 'simpy' until I read this.
  15. You have it good, fellow Brian.
  16. I don't even think you should treat any woman like a queen tbh. Maybe on special occasions - birthdays, hard times etc.
  17. Well, you took the word "earn" to it's most ridiculous extent. 10/10
  18. Is it a lack of display of gratitude, or a lack of gratitude? Important distinction. If it's a lack of gratitude, you can be dropped for a 'better' man at any moment.
  19. It's really not that at all. In my humble experience, women seek boundaries like children. They feel secure when boundaries are clearly delineated. For example: Woman: "can I have $200 for shopping" Man: "of course darling" Woman (in her head): 'really!? <deleted>' Next month: "give me $300 for shopping" Next year: "I want to go on vacation with some men from work. You promised me we would go on vacation!" If you think this example is stupid - I'm using a real example of a friend. BTW. He let her go on the vacation. The pictures she posted on Facebook were mortifying. I don't blame the girl - I blame the guy. Treated her like a queen before she ever earned it. I knew her, she wouldn't have dared do any of that <deleted> with me and she'd be a lot more content. It's not because I'm young, rich and good looking but because I demonstrate a dynamic of: 'I'm more valuable than you, be careful, or you'll lose me'. What dynamic you are demonstrating is something you have to think about.
  20. Idk if anyone else agrees but I think OP, respectfully, might be too soft. For me, it's important to set boundaries and create an atmosphere of instability and scarcity - demand and supply - you are the scarce resource, she, the Thai girl, is a source of abundance. At any time, she must be made aware, you can swap her out for another girl, with no emotional toll on yourself. To create these boundaries, early on, you have to say "Hey, watch your <deleted> mouth, don't talk to me like that'. OP, by treasuring your girls and treating them well, you have demonstrated that they are the valuable resource and you are one of abundance - even thought hat'snot true. Some men can never be 'bad boys', step into the role of the dominant, confident male and you will always be served.
  21. Would have at least stopped the ejaculate getting in his eye.
  22. TBH, I think I could have inquired about the educational attainment level of transgender people across socioeconomic strata in Thailand - and the replies would mostly be: 'I would never coz I'm not a GAY!' and 'It's a man if it's got a cock - ho ho! No thanks!'
  23. A rare candid answer. Have a thanks trophy thing from me.
  24. How do you like your men?
  25. Thanks for the warning. Will think twice before beating up the next woman.
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